Status: active..sort of..will update as soon as i can...

I am Not Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

Hold Closer

I was sitting in the pavement by the parking lot when I saw Lance walking towards me. Even from a distance, I could see how much he affected people. They’re maybe scared, amazed, angry or just downright worshipping him.

As for me, I don’t know what I should feel. My emotions were all jumbled up for some reason. On one side, I see him as this big, scary guy who likes to beat up people or boss them around while on the other, he is this guy who could be someone that might help you or even protect you. It was all odd really.

But one thing is for sure, I wasn’t afraid of him. I must be going crazy.

When he stood up in front of me, I was almost too nervous to look up at him when he took me by my wrist and started walking towards his car with me in tow.

“W-what? Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”

He just looked back at me with a raised eyebrow then walked faster. When we got to his car, he opened the door and indicated with a nod that I can’t back out even if I want to.

I glared at him one last time and slipped inside the car as I waited for him to enter himself. I only looked at my clenched fists by my lap all throughout the trip until I felt the car slowing down. As I glanced at the window, I realized that we’re back in his house or mansion or whatever you call the freakishly big thing.

I could already see Hall waiting for us by the porch. When Lance stopped the car and went out to give Hall the keys, he quickly opened my door and pulled me out to enter the house.

“Lance! What the hell are we doing here?”

“We’re gonna do the project here.”, he said without even looking at me.

I tugged my hand the entire way to his room as I practically yelled, “Well, you should have just told me instead of dragging me here!”

“Well, knowing you, you might not even listen and just sneak out. So might as well use the covert approach.”

I glared at his smirk as we entered his room and without so much as a glance, he practically pulled me in and locked the door.

I stayed put with my back leaning at the door as he started arranging some things for the “project”.

“You know, we could always use the library or someplace else to do this. I mean, why should we do this in your house anyway?”

He didn’t answer until he stood up straight as he finished what he was doing and looked at me.

“What if I say that I just wanted it to be done here?”, he said in a weird tone –like he was testing me.

I looked him in the eye and said, “Then, I’ll say you’re lying. I know that you don’t do things without any reason. That’s just not you if you did.”

He made a small, adorable smile that almost made me blush but then, it turned into that irritating smirk of his again. I almost slapped it right off his face.

“So, you’re telling me that you actually know me that much?”

“Well, not really. I guess, I just kinda knew.”

“Hmm..are you starting to like me or something?”

My eyes bulged a bit and answered in a stutter, “I-I didn’t m-mean that!”

He grinned at me and said, “So you do like me!”

“I’m not!”, I said as I approached him a bit.

“Oh come on. You don’t have to be shy about it. Just admit that you are.”

“I said I’m not! Stop it!”, I almost yelled.

He just laughed and said again, “Little Noelle likes me!”

I fumed in embarrassment and fury that I walked faster to stop him but ended up tripping in my last step. I closed my eyes as I expected the pain of the fall only to realize a groaning sound from underneath me.

I opened my eyes to see Lance sprawled back in the floor with me on top of him. He grumbled a bit then, looked at my eyes as well. I started getting self-conscious that it made me look away.

“I-I..I’m sorry…”, I whispered nervously and started to move away when I felt myself unable to move.

I noticed his arms are now around me a little bit tightly and his lips near my ear making me shiver.

“Stay..stay, please.”, he whispered.

I swallowed audibly and willed myself to move because that’s what I should really do. But honestly, I with him. I know I’m not afraid of him but I’m supposed to be, right?

My brain is telling me to run –to hide from him until all this could be settled but my body just wouldn’t follow. It just wanted to feel safe and warm even just for a while that it almost made tears flow from my eyes.

I staunched it by blinking and burying my face in his shirt. I would not cry in front of him! Once is enough in my lifetime of humiliation.

Lance tightened his hold on me as if he understood while he stroked my hair gently. We actually stayed like that for a couple of minutes when I finally gripped a bit of my sanity and said,

“You could let go of me now.”, I said quietly while gripping his forearms lightly suggesting that I want to stand up.

I could feel his arms tense a bit as if he wanted to hold some more but he relaxed and didn’t move.

“Lance?”, I asked nervously.

He gave a grave sigh and said, “We could just relax for a bit. You know, this position is kinda relaxing when you think about it.”

“Lance!!!”, I whisper-yelled at him as his words started to make me blush.

He just laughed at me as I felt the vibrations from his chest radiate into me as well. It’s making me feel weird things and I don’t like it.

“Come on! Please let me go.”, I have my face pulled back from his chest as I tried looking at him in the eye.

“But I don’t wanna.”, he gave me a teasing look but still didn’t let go.

“You let me go or I swear I’ll –“

Suddenly, the door opened and in came his father with a blank face. We must have looked inappropriate because he raised his eyebrow and said,

“Should I ask or are you gonna step out and explain it to me?”

I’m kinda scared of his father then, because of the way he looked at Lance as well as his tone but when he glanced at me, he seemed to relax and even gave a small smile.

Unfortunately, that only made me more panicked so I tried to make myself stand up but by then, Lance continued holding me as we stood together with me in his arms.

The whole time I was trying not to blush because it wasn’t actually my fault that we got caught looking like we did. Honestly, I tried to stop him but he was being he’s weird self again.

His arms are still around me when I felt him leaned closer to me. I didn’t look at him though, and just stared at the floor but he made me look at him by pulling my chin upward.

“I’ll be back. Don’t go anywhere.”, he said seriously as he started to approach his father.

“But Lance, I-“

“I’ll. Be. Back.”, he said more prominently as his father was already outside and him about to close the door.

I looked at him with mixed emotions until he smiled and said, “Just stay here, okay? I’ll be back, I promise.”

With a sigh, I nodded and he did as well while he closed the door to his room. I looked around and decided to sit by his bed with my head down in my hands.

I’ve never felt so tired in my whole life. These emotions make my head pound, my heart constrict and my limbs ache and go numb. I shouldn’t even be here in this place especially with him.

I let myself fall down the bed and stared up the ceiling.

God, what the hell is wrong with my life? Can’t I ever have just some peace and quiet? Just once?!

I closed my eyes to ease the pain over my whole body.

“Just what did I get myself into this time?”, I asked to myself and decided to give in to the darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!!! did you miss me?

i'm so sorry if i just updated today..i was so busy with school and life that it took me a long time to make a proper chapter for all of u...

i hope ur all still reading..pls message me of what u think of this chapter and pls read the next chapter as well..i know ur gonna LOVE it..i made sure of pls comment ok...

thx for waiting and sorry again!!! ^^