Status: active..sort of..will update as soon as i can...

I am Not Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

Never Again

Lance's POV

I followed my father through the hallway and into his office near the library. I was calm all the way because fear is not an option to what is needed to be discussed this night.

By the time we entered the room, my father is drilling holes in my face as he silently looked at me. At times like this that I wonder how we are so alike yet so different in many ways.

“You gonna tell me, boy or should I make you say it to me?”, he said in an authoritative manner.

I gave a grave sigh and walked around slowly to ease the stress.

“I found her, Dad. I found my mate.”

My father raised an eyebrow and asked, “Does she know about this?”

I shook my head and said, “She barely even notice me. I’m almost even sure that she hates me.”

A tugging sensation in my head told me otherwise. My other self seems restless about the idea as it also made me restless too. Even the thought of her hating me made me want to run back to my room and hold her to me until she doesn’t hate me anymore. It’s almost unbearable.

“When are you planning to tell her?”, my father continued to ask me.

“I’m not sure myself. Besides, there are other problems I needed to handle.”, I answered back absently.

He remained silent as I took a glance to the closed door.

She was just outside –just a few steps and into my room. My room. A strange sensation of happiness spread to me because of that knowledge. Unknowingly to myself, I was smiling and this made my father curious all the more.

“You do know that you look kind of pathetic staring at the door longingly. It’s not like she’s going to go away. Not yet.”

I looked back at my father and saw him smiling to me in understanding.

“Is it the same for you? The anxiety? The anticipation? The longing? The thought of her not beside me makes me mental and it’s killing me.”

He leaned back into his chair and looked up in the ceiling as though he was deciding on something.

“When I met your mother, I actually didn’t feel the first signs of mating. She was first, my comrade then, my friend. Yes, I did feel something different but I couldn’t tell whether it was because she was my mate or something else. I was young and it was all so new to me.”
“But, I thought mom is a human.”

“Yes, she is. But then again, she’s always been a troublemaker even before we met. By the time I found out about us being mates, everything had gone haywire. Though we did have some problems back then, we managed to go above them. As will you, son.”

I shoved my hair back anxiously and answered, “It’s not that easy, dad.”

He gave a bark of a laugh and retorted, “Who said it was ever that easy? Just know, son, that your mother and I will be here if you need help.”

I nodded with a smile and finally said seriously, “If you don’t mind, I have someone waiting for me. Can I go now?”

My father raised his eyebrows but finally nodded. I was about to step outside the room when he asked,

“Those bruises on your mate..they’re not just accidental, are they?”

The question unmistakeably made me and my inner self growl in retribution –for the pain and suffering she has endured even before I met her. I could feel my nails digging into my palms and it doesn’t even compare to how much I know my mate has suffered.

“Never again. Never again, will I allow her to suffer through that. I will die before I see another bruise on her.”, I practically growled through my throat.

God, the thought of her hurting and miserable just made me want to run back and hold her to me forever. I wanted to be by her side but with humans, you can never be sure of what you’ll expect. And from what my mate has suffered, it would be all the more difficult.

“I hope so, son. That girl..I feel so much sadness on her. Just take care of her, alright?”

I nodded immediately and stepped out of the room to go back in mine. The urge to run almost overcame me but I remembered how Noelle is still not ready for what I had to reveal. I will tell her but not yet. Not until I’m sure she’s safe.

I was already by my door when I strained to hear if she’s still there. I didn’t hear anything first until I heard some rustling. My curiosity got to me so I opened the door, only to find Noelle curled up in my bed.

I closed the door to my room and just stared at her. She looks so fragile and innocent lying in my bed. It almost engulfed her but yet her very presence made it more worthwhile to watch.

What is it with her that made it impossible for me to think clearly? I am usually cool and rational but all I could think of is to keep her safe –to keep her by my side always.

I heard a low whimper from her as she moved a bit until I noticed her shirt rid up higher. What I saw made me see red in anger and pain.

Bruises. Bruises of different shades of color marred her pale skin by her abdomen. It’s evident how some are new and some are old but even so, it made me want to tear out something apart.

I approached quietly and held her wrist gently as I pushed up her sleeve and saw scratches and another set of bruises patching up her arm. Scars of different lengths also filled them and it doesn’t take a genius to see the same with her other arm as well as her legs.

All of them made me want to howl and growl and scream until I could stop the pain wrenching out of my heart. The feeling of hopelessness almost overwhelmed me until the only thing I could do is hold her soft hands to mine and stroke them gently.

To think how much my mate have suffered; to know that I was too late to help her even if we’re actually living near each other – it tore me up. I could feel my inner self struggling to let the rage and anger out but I couldn’t let him. Not when I am so near to my mate that I could risk hurting her more.

I took a lock of her hair and held it closer to my nose. She has this unexplainable scent like a combination of lavender and cinnamon or roses and honey. It’s so exquisite and unique that I can’t help but take it in me.

I just wish I could take her now –to let her know how much she means to me. Unfortunately, I can’t, not yet. But it doesn’t mean I have to let her go unprotected.

The very first day that I heard her voice, I knew she would need my protection. And when I finally saw her, I knew I would lose myself to her.

“Never again.”, I whispered to her ear as I leaned down.

Never again would she be hurt or suffer. I will find a way to make her safe. That I promise.
♠ ♠ ♠
so guys..did you like it? did you like it?

i really hope you do..i'll try to update again soon ok..i'm just so busy these past few days so pls bear with me...

keep on reading and commenting too..i want to know what you think of the chapter...

well thx for all who waited for this..i hope u enjoyed it!!! ^^