Status: active..sort of..will update as soon as i can...

I am Not Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

Never the Same day

The next day wasn’t really any different.

It was still the same routine in the morning except for the fact that I had to hide my face which actually look that I got hit by a baseball bat or something. It still hurts but I can’t do any more about it but drink plenty of pain meds and put some ointment in it. I just hope no one notices it.

The long walk to my school is still the same as well. The cold air surrounding me because the sun hasn’t even risen yet, the painful strain building in my legs because of how long the way is, all of it actually doesn’t mind me at all because it were all just the same.

The same routine even goes with my own school. Lilly is still her bubbly and funny self, while I have to be the gloomy and depressed person. Mornings are still tiresome and people are still so judgemental because of how people look and how they want to do with their lives.

So here I am in my own English class, boring myself to death because of Romeo and Juliet.
Doesn’t the teacher realize how bored we are?

“Okay class, in here you can see that –“

The teacher was interrupted by the door being opened and someone entering the room.

I didn’t pay attention too much because I was really tired and class was so boring. Although I was aware with a lot of whispers and murmurs, I didn’t quite understand any of them. My mind was just blank and I don’t think anyone would care anyway.

I actually feel like sleeping and with hood up my head, I guess no one would know. And I was about to do it when I heard a sound beside me.

I looked up and saw none other but the most popular boy at school, Lance Shadows, sitting right beside me.

What is he doing here?

I must have been staring at him too long that he also looked up to me as well. People must think our situation very ridiculous because we’ve been staring at each other for quite some time that it must be nearing the end class before we even get to say one word to each other.

“Weird girl...”, he finally muttered the same time as me.

“Arrogant boy...”, I blurted out the same time as him.

I widened my eyes to what I said. Oh shit! Did I just say that to the most dangerous boy at school?!

He raised his eyebrow and with a smirk, he said, “Touche!”

I didn’t comment back because I think if I say more, I would just end up being my stupid self. And besides, I just want to sleep and let this day pass by me like always.

“So what happened to your face? Bad make-up?”, he asked suddenly.

I looked at him with my wide eyes. How did he noticed?! I almost got late for school just to fix it.

“M-maybe. I woke up late, that’s all.”, I answered nervously.

“Hmm..well you do look kind of tired.”

Oh, god! Please make him stop. Everyone is staring at us and I don’t like it. Not at all!
“So, what’s your name?”

“’s..umm..N-Noelle..Noelle Briggs.”, I said looking down at the table. Just make him stop!

“Oh, I’m Lance. Lance Shadows.”

“I know.”, I whispered with gritted teeth. Ugghh!!! Why can’t be this day just like any other day?! Why now? Why?

“ I guess that big bruise on your face isn’t just a product of you waking-up late or is it?”, he said quite insultingly that I didn’t had the chance to contain myself. I had a very bad day and I don’t need him making it worse.

“Well, I suggest you mind your own business. You don’t even know anything so stop bugging me and go back to your so-called life.”, I said to him angrily that even I was shocked to hear myself say it.

I heard gasps and murmurs around us so I guess, they heard me telling the most dangerous boy at school to back off.

Lance didn’t say anything back but I could see how mad he is. His eyes look more darker and I think I just heard a deep rumble or a growl.

Well, I’m not really that afraid of him and besides, if I don’t want to tell him, what makes him have the right to know. But, I think I came a little bit strong. Oh, shit!

And as the bell rang, I went straight out of the room not looking at his face. I might as well avoid being near him for a while. For my sake, at least.

Why the hell did I just did that? Am I really asking for trouble? Oh god, what happened to me back there?

“Hey!”, somebody yelled making me jump in fright.

“Hey, it’s just me, Noelle. What’s wrong with you? You look like having the heebee-jeebees. Are you okay?”, Lilly asked me as I turned on her.

“N-nothing’s wrong. I just..just need some..fresh air?”

“Okay..what happened?!”, Lilly said as we stopped by the hallway.

“Nothing really. It’s just that maybe I did something..stupid.”, I shrugged.

“Define stupid.”, she said with an arm by her waist and her foot tapping at the floor. If things are not serious, I would had laugh.

“I think..I think just pissed someone off.”

“And who is this someone?”, she asked while looking at me so intensely.

I tried averting my eyes from her but I can’t help but tell the truth.

“Lance Shadows...”, I mumbled.

“Who?! I didn’t quite hear it.”

“I said, Lance Shadows!”, I answered more clearly but I still didn’t looked at her. When I did, I saw her gone pale and immobile. I think she might even be having a stroke.

“D-did you j-just say L-lanceSh-shad-dows?”, she said shakily.

I regrettably nodded as she took my shoulders in her hands and asked why and how.

“I-I don’t know exactly. I just..I don’t know..flipped out or something. I really don’t know.”, I said so utterly confused by the whole thing.

“But why, Lance Shadows? Of all the people..why him?!”, she shouted at me.

“I don’t know. I just..I..I..I just...”, I whispered as my tears flowed freely from my eyes.

“’s okay, Noelle. I’m sorry I yelled. Shh..shh...”, she said to me as she held me.

“Come on. Why don’t you freshen up a bit inside the restroom. I’ll wait for you by the cafeteria to give you some time alone okay.”, she said as she escorted me by the rest room.

I just nodded as she left me there.

Oh, god! What just happened to me back there?! I usually have better control of this. What’s wrong with now?

As I splashed water on my face, I looked at the mirror and saw how horrible my bruise was. It’s all purple and the skin around it was red and a bit swollen. Maybe, I shouldn’t have been so rude to Lance. From the looks of my face, it really is very visible. I feel guilty. I shouldn’t have said those things to him even if I was tired or agitated. I guess I should apologize to him or something. It’s really my fault anyways.

With that, I made my way to the cafeteria but I didn’t expect to be pulled in into the supplies room with a group of girls. One of them, clearly detests me by the way her eyes scrutinize me, namely Veronica Lison and her group of witchy minions.

“So you’re the girl who think she can just talk back to Lance Shadows, huh?”, her high-pitched voice filled the room. Honestly, how much air does she use to produce that?

“Maybe she thinks it would earn her some popularity points.”, somebody said.

“In that look? Definitely not! And I’m sure that bruise on her face tells it all.

“So what happened to you freak? Did your boyfriend hit you? Not like anyone would like you that is.”, Veronica said and they all laughed.

“It’s nothing.”, I mumbled to them hoping they would just leave me alone.

“Really?”, Veronica sneered at me making me more irritated.

“I said it’s nothing.”, I spat and turned around to get out of the room but suddenly I was grabbed at the back making me fall down.

“You think you’re so great talking to us like that when you’re only just a stupid little girl just trying to fit in.”

“Shut up! You know nothing about me! So just leave me alone!”, I said trying to get up but somebody smacked me right in my already bruised face making me fall down again.

“Why don’t we teach this pathetic freak who she’s messing with? After all, we’re giving Lance a big favour after we deal with her.”

Then, they started kicking me and they didn’t even give me a chance to get up. When I heard the bell rang, that’s the only time they stopped.

I didn’t even realized that they left me but I can feel my body ached all over. I tried to stand and was glad that I still can but I was limping and wheezing.

I peeked out of the door and saw the hallways deserted. I contemplated on going back to my next class. I can’t possibly enter looking like this. It would only make people question me and I hate it. I guess leaving early isn’t that bad.

As I strode out of school, I realized that I didn’t meet Lilly by the cafeteria. I didn’t even get a chance to apologize to Lance Shadows. I didn’t even know if I should go home.

Sighs..I seriously hate my life.
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