Status: active..sort of..will update as soon as i can...

I am Not Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

My Small Goodbye

I closed my eyes and tried not to tremble in fear.

I knew I shouldn’t have followed that nice lady. Why didn’t I even learn from experiences?! Argghh!!! I am such an idiot. I can’t believe I-

Sniff! Sniff!

What the? Is he..smelling me?

I felt its warm breath at the back of my neck and the tips of its hair is brushing at the my shoulders. What the hell is going on?!

Then suddenly the weight at my back was gone, letting me stand up again. Immediately, I turned around to see who or what exactly is behind me.

What I saw was the biggest shock of my life! It was Lance Shadows!

“You?!”, we both exclaimed.

I took a step back but it didn’t get me too far because I was already at the far end of the wall and he was a mere feet away from me.

“What are you doing in here?”, he asked slowly with a hint of menace as he took slow, menacing steps to me.

I looked around for an escape but nothing registers to my mind but his intimidating gait and his feral gaze that makes me want disappear from where I am standing right now.

Why is he here anyway? Oh shit! Don’t tell me-

“I said..WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!”, he bellowed suddenly making me gasp in fear and shock.

I struggled for the answer but I can’t make a single sound but a yelp as he met the distance between us with the pounding of his fists just above my head.

“ANSWER ME! NOW!”, he yelled as he looked down on me with his cruel eyes.

I whimpered a bit at his aggression. In all my years of being tortured and bullied, I’ve never seen anything or anyone so dangerous in my whole life that I couldn’t even respond to anything. I could only just look at him.

“Aren’t you gonna answer me?!”, he whispered in a low, harsh tone.

“I..I...”, I tried to answer but then I heard a sound by the door as it opened to reveal the nice lady from before.

“Lance! What are you doing?!”, she said frantically as she ran and pulled me behind her.

“What is she doing here, mom? Why is she looking like that? What’s going on?!”

“She’s here as a guest and I don’t need you scaring her off. So please leave the room for a while.”

“No, mom! I won’t. Tell me what happened. Right here. Right. Now!”, he practically yelled at his own mother.

“Stand down, boy, before I put you to your place.”, a low menacing voice said by the door. I looked and saw a tall, muscular man looking very much like Lance except his features are more harsh and mean-looking.

I saw Lance clenched his fists but didn’t say anymore and just looked down in the floor.

“Leave us. We’ll talk about this later.”, he ordered him. I saw Lance grit his teeth but obeyed nonetheless.

So what is left is me, the nice lady and the big scary man. I was practically trembling by then because I don’t what would happen next.

“It’s alright dear. Everything’s fine.”, the nice lady said to me as she rubbed my arms soothingly.

“W-what’s going on?”, I tried to ask.

She smiled and looked up at the big man by her side.

“I’m Marie and this is my husband, Grey. We are very sorry for our son’s actions. He isn’t like that really. He’s usually a nice boy, isn’t he Grey?”

Hmmph! I say that boy needs a few lecturing right now. He has too much arrogance and pride in him.”

“Now, now. Don’t be like that, honey. So, how about we take care of those wounds now okay.”, she said as she held me by the arm to sit at the bed.

I complied and just let her treat them. I was silent all throughout even if I was dreading the fact that she may ask questions about my wounds. I’m glad she didn’t but I can see the way her face turn sad and wary as she looked my wounds carefully. Even her husband looked a bit tense for every wound I had. I’m not sure what he’s really thinking but I hope it isn’t too bad.

When it was all done, I reluctantly stood up and said without looking at them,

“Thank you for everything but I really have to go.”

Marie took my hand in hers and said, “If you need help or anything at all just go to this house alright. You are very welcome here.”

My lips trembled with emotion but I suppressed it and said, “T-thank you.”

“Alright then. I’ll ask Lance to meet you downstairs to take you home okay.”

“ don’t need to...”, I tried to say but she already left me with her husband Grey.

I sighed and looked at him before looking down again because I really can’t look at him in the eye.

“Come on, let’s get you downstairs. It’s already late anyway.”, he said quite softly that it made me relax more. I nodded and we left the room to go downstairs.

When we got there, Lance is already there and he looked a little bit more calm but still those frightening eyes are still there and its making me nervous by the minute.

“Now, I want you to take her to her house. No excuses. And I don’t want-“, his father reprimanded him.

“Umm..excuse me.”, I said timidly. They both looked at me making me hesitate a bit.

“I..I can go home by myself. It isn’t that far away from here. And..I..I’ll just go. P-please don’t worry.”, I explained as best as I can. I’m already too ashamed of myself.

Grey looked at his wife, Marie as they exchanged looks. I just hope they understand.

Grey nodded and said to Lance, “Alright. You can escort her by the gate then. Now go.”
Lance gave a sigh of frustration and walked ahead. I said thank you again to them and followed him.

We walked silently through the garden as we kept at least some distance from each other. I noticed him glancing at me from time to time. He must have been thinking about how horrible I looked or how he would insult me about everything.

I gave a sigh aloud and that made him stopped and looked down at me intently.

I bit my lip and dropped my gaze to the ground.

“W-what?”, I asked a bit nervously.

“You know if you have problems, all you have to do is ask help.”, he said like it was entirely my fault that I can’t help but snap at his stupid, arrogant self.

“Well, I don’t need it nor do I want it. I can handle myself just fine.”, I defended. I don’t need someone like him telling me what to do. It’s not like he understands what I’m going through anyway.

He grumbled and said, “Well, it’s not the first time you’ve denied that. Can’t you at least make a better excuse?”

I glared at him and said, “And can’t you at least mind your own business? It’s not like you know what’s happening. So back off and leave me alone!”

Then, I trudged away from him as I approached the gates from their property and with him following me.

I almost got outside of the gates when Lance stopped me with his hand gripping my upper arm.

“What now?”

He just rolled his eyes and said, “I’m just gonna tell you to be careful. It’s already dark if you haven’t noticed.”

“I know that! Now, let go of me so I can get home faster.”, I said as I tried to pull my arm from him.

“Fine!”, he said and let go of me.

I walked away from him a bit when I remembered something and mumbled to him, “Sorry by the way. From earlier in class.”, then I completely ran out from him without waiting for an answer.

When I was about a few meters from the place, I risked a glance and was surprised to see him still there looking at me. Well, it’s not like I’m gonna talk to him again. The chances are slim and it’s only one time.

I waved a small goodbye and walked out the night pledging never to talk to him again. For my sake...
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hey guys!!! i am so happy for all the comments and subscribers and readers of my story...


well pls keep it up and i'll try my best to update faster..hahaha..well thx again..and hav a nice day... ^^