Status: active..sort of..will update as soon as i can...

I am Not Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

I'll be Seeing You Soon

I got home too tired both in mind and body. It’s about past 9pm already and I still haven’t made dinner but it was a good thing Dad was not home. He must have been at a bar or somewhere.

As I walked to my room and lie down my bed, I recalled all that has happened today and god, it was so hectic. Everything may seem a blur but I can still feel all of it. The most troubling thing of it all is the fact that the only thing I remembered clearly is how I said a silent goodbye to Lance.

I don’t even know the person in the first place so why do I feel kind of sad about it? It’s not like he understands me or can actually help me. Heck, maybe tomorrow he would just ignore me like we’ve never even met. I would just be another stranger in his life..though why does that thought leave a pang of hurt in my chest?

I sighed as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Tomorrow would just be like any other day. It has to be because I’m tired of waiting for something I know is too far away to reach.

The next day was one of the most painful days that I have to endure in my so-called life. My body ached all over and I am so tired, it’s like I’ve just been ran down by a train or maybe even an elephant.

I tried walking slowly but people just shove me out of the way so I just have to bear it until the end of the day. As I got to my locker, I saw Lilly leaning to it with her head down.

“Hey.”, I said to her as I approached.

She looked at me and saw the sadness and hurt in her eyes. Oh no...

“Look, Lilly, I..I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you yesterday at lunch. I..I just got s-sidetracked. Heck, I didn’t even get to my next class. I’m really sorry.”, I tried to explain to her.

She sighed and said solemnly, “You know you can always tell me anything. I’ll listen to you. I’ll always listen you. You know I do.”

I gave her a sad smile, “I know, Lilly. But, I don’t want you to get into more trouble than I already am. It is all my fault anyway.”

“What do you mean? Explain to me now. What really did happen to you yesterday?”

“It’s nothing actually. The usual.”, I said nonchalantly. I’m already quite used to this kind of things.

Lilly narrowed her eyes and I can almost see her going red.

“That bitch! I’ll get her for doing this to you and when I do, I swear she’ll pay! I hate her! I really, really hate her!”, she seethed.

I almost laughed by how feisty Lilly is when she doesn’t really look like it. Oh well, that’s one of the things I really like about her and I’m glad she’s there for me.

“We share the same feeling, best friend. But enough conniving for now. Let’s get to class before we’re late.”

She nodded and surprised me when she took my hand squeezed it tenderly as we walked to our class. Surprisingly, Lance wasn’t on my English class that day which is a small relief for me but I still can’t help the feeling of sadness that is overwhelming me since last night. What’s wrong with me?

The day passed by and I must say it was really tolerable until it was lunch time.

I heard a few whispers and gasps around me as I walk by but it didn’t seem like I was the head of the topic like usual.

When I approached Lilly by our table, I asked her what’s going on.

“It seems like today isn’t a good day for Lance Shadows.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, a lot of people here saw him almost beating up some guy just because he bumped into him by the hallway. It was scary really and honestly, that guy is as volatile as an atomic bomb. So for now, people are distancing themselves from him until it passes.”

With that, I ate my food in silence as I contemplated whether it was because of yesterday or something else. Probably something else because it’s impossible for him to stressed out like this because of that one time. Yeah, it’s probably something else. I’m sure of it.

By the end of the day, I decided to wait for Lilly again. I didn’t think too much about the consequences because I do owe her from yesterday so I waited by the stairs again.

“Hey, have you seen Lance coming by here?”, somebody asked me from behind. I recognized him as one of Lance’s friends. I think he’s name was Jason or something.

“Sorry, no.”

“Oh okay. Well, thanks.”, then he walked away. Hmm, so where’s Mr. Big Shot now?

I shook my head suddenly. What the hell am I doing? He doesn’t concern me. Not at all!

I shouldn’t be talking about him. I shouldn’t even be thinking about him. Ugghh!!! This is so wrong! I can’t-


I jumped up from the sound and looked around. What was that? It looked like it came from behind the gym.

I squinted my eyes to it. I know I shouldn’t go there. What if there is some kind of burglary in there or maybe some explosion? What if something big actually did happen? I looked around and saw the school almost deserted with me being the only one outside while most of them are inside.


I took a nervous glance at the door leading inside the school. Oh god, I know I’m gonna regret this but...

I started walking to where I heard the crash from and realized that the gym doors are opened. They were supposed to be close by the end of the day. What the hell is going on in there?

I heard another crash from inside but it’s like more like something solid fell to the floor and then, there was silence.

As I approached the doors, I peeked inside and saw all the balls sprawled out at the floor. Some of the tables and chairs were tossed around as though, they’re nothing. I stepped inside to look more clearly inside when a weird shape stepped to my line of vision.

I moved closer and saw none other than Lance Shadows lying in his back with his eyes closed. His chest was heaving as if he’d done something really strenuous. And I think my guess is right about the why of it.

Suddenly, his eyes opened making me gasp in surprise. His eyes looked at me intently as if I was the only person there, and yes, technically I am but then again, he doesn’t have to look at me like that.

I locked my hands together and prayed to avoid having this confrontation but I can still feel his eyes looking through me as if he wanted me to look at him too. God, I thought I told myself not to talk to him. Where the hell is my resolve?!

By then, I decided to approach him since I am already caught. He didn’t move but just turned his head towards me and stared at me with that look again.

When I was about a foot away from him, he sat up and patted the space next to him. I bit my lip and looked around if there was anyone watching. He grumbled something and patted the space next to him harder. I complied reluctantly and sat next to him.

We were silent for a moment when he said, “No smart-ass comebacks?”

I raised an eyebrow from this and answered back, “No stupid, idiotic comments?”

He smirked and said, “Touché.”

“Soooo..what happened?”, I started.

He shrugged and said, “Nothing. Just the usual.”

“You mean to say this..this..I don’t know what to call this, but you’re saying that this happens all the time?!”, I said as I gestured the whole gym.

“Well, this time it’s worse but I guess, yeah.”

I looked at him incredulously and said, “You have some major anger issues.”

“Not really. I do if I have a really, really good reason for it.”, he said with a smirk.

“And what, perhaps, is the reason for all this?”

He didn’t answer but I saw his fists clenched and I could actually hear him growl. It made me scared so I scooted away from him. He must have noticed because I felt him relax..well, just a little bit.

“Sorry. It’s’s nothing.”, then we were silent again.

I sighed and started getting up.

“Well, I need to go home now. I hope you’re gonna be..umm..okay..with all this. Good luck not getting caught.”

Then, I walked away towards the doors when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

“What?”, I whispered nervously as I turn around to face him. He let go of me and started rubbing the back of his neck.

“A-are you..uhh..are you okay? I mean, about yesterday?”, he asked sheepishly which made him look not dangerous at all. It made me smile a bit.

“I’m okay. Thanks for asking.”, I assured him even though most of it isn’t true. Well, okay, all of it is not true but that doesn’t mean he has to know it.

And I think he didn’t buy it either but nonetheless accepted it.

“Well, bye.”, I said walking away. I got just outside the door when I heard him say, “I’ll be seeing you soon..."

Oh shit, don’t tell me he just said that to me. Don’t tell me that he really is expecting me to talk to him again because, I for one, am not gonna let him. I just can’t take that risk.

I turned around to point it out but when I did, he was gone. I looked around but he’s just not there. With a grave sigh, I walked away and dreaded tomorrow.
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hey guys!!!

i hope u like dis chapter..pls keep on subscribing and commenting...
i would really appreciate that..well thx again..hav a nice day... ^^