Love Complicates Everything

Chapter 10

That night at dinner mom told us what happened.

"So they're going to help you to play the guitar Tom and Bill, you'll take voice lessons! Isn't that nice?"

We nodded.

"Oh and they like the song that you wrote, I didn't hear it because I didn't arrive until afterwords but maybe you four can give me a show sometime... I didn't even know that you had a band! How'd you pull it off? Well, anyways! You boys are going to be very very rich someday!"

"Does this mean that I won't have to go back to school mom?"

"Well...I guess so. You'll both have to drop out."

"Mom? What happened at the meeting with Dr. Park?"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot about that. She said that you're completely healed."

"Really?! So does that mean that I don't have to go anymore?"

"I never said that! Of course you still have to go!"


"So we're really going to be famous?" Tom asked.

Mom nodded.

"Yeah! And rich, too!"


"But mom," I said, "I thought that you didn't want me and Tom to be together."

"Uh...well...Dr. Park says that you're completely healed anyways. And besides, I - I mean WE - could really use the money!"

I was starting to really hate my mother. She was so selfish, it made me sick.

"Tomorrow you will have a meeting with them. Aren't you excited?"

"I guess...." I yawned.

"I'm going to bed."

I went to my room, shut the door, and layed down on my bed. This day had been so long....

I heard a knock on my door. It was Tom.

"Hey beautiful," he said, smiling.

He shut the door again, locked it, and layed down next to me.


He put his arm around me and kissed me. I kissed him back. His lips tasted so sweet...

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door.

It was mom.

"Boys? What are you doing in there?"

She sounded worried.

"Um.... we're writing a new song. A hit song, so good that it'll be on the top of the charts for months and make us popular and you very rich."

I could practically hear the happiness in her voice.

"Oh? Really? Well, write away then! Sorry to bother you!"

Tom and I laughed.

"Good cover," he commented.

I smiled.

"Thanks. I'm getting pretty good at lying,I think."

"So am I. Is that a good thing or bad thing?"

"I'm not sure..."

Oh! And Bill, you didn't forget what day it was, did you?"


"No, Valentines Day, duh!"

"Really? Wow, I had completely forgotten."

"So you didn't get me anything? No box of chocolates? No heart shaped card?"

"Ooops, sorry. Why, did you get a gift for me?"

Tom smirked.

"Maybe. Do you want it now?"

I nodded.

"Good, because your present is getting impatient!"


He cut me off by giving me a long kiss.

"Happy Valentines Day. I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Good! Now for the rest of the gift!"

I laughed.


He gently pushed me against the bed and kissed me hungrily. I opened my mouth and his tounge slid against mine. I playfully bit at his bottom lip. He laughed softly.

"Oh god..." I moaned.

"You like it?" He asked.

"Hell yeah...let's do it again!"

He smiled and started kissing me again.

When we were done we layed down next to eachother. It had been a long day and I was eager for sleep.

"I love you, Tom."

"I love you , too Bill."


"Yes, forever. I will always love you, and only you."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise."
If only a promise could last forever, because it seems as if forever isn't really that long after all...

The next day we had the meeting with the record label. We played our little song, and after only a few weeks it was getting played nonstop on mtv.

A few weeks and I couldn't even go to the corner store without being followed by like a million girls whom I've never met screaming that they loved me.

What a strange world...