Love Complicates Everything

Chapter 12

When I got outside I looked around and realized that I had no idea where we were.

I walked a few blocks until I was lucky enough to see a bar. I was only 15 [16 in two months!] and I definitly wasn't legally old enough to drink, but I knew that they would probably let me in.

And they did. I sat at the bar on one of the bar stools.

It was one of those ones that can spin. It was so tempting.... but childish. I will not get thrown out of a bar for spinning in circles on a bar stool when I wasn't even drunk.

There was a girl working at the bar, probably about 18. She had short black hair and violet eyes. The girl also had a few piercings, and a couple of tattoos.

She was cool.

"What can I get you?" She asked.


I had no idea what to get.

"Just surprise me."


A moment later she was setting down a bottle of beer.

"Here, Bill."

"Thanks. And please, shhh! I don't want everyone to know I'm here, I really don't feel like signing autographs."

She laughed.

"I think you're safe. Most of the people we get in here probably don't listen to teenage pop rock bands."


"Oh! And I'm Samara by the way."

"Pretty name," I commented.
"Thanks, it's a form of the Japenese name Sadako. I'm half Japenese."

"That's cool."

"Yeah, it is. Can I ask you something?"


"Why are you all alone in a bar on a Friday night?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Well, why don't you hang out with your brother? Tom, right?"

"Yeah.... and Tom and I haven't been getting along lately."


"'s a long story."

She nodded.

"Ok. well, I hope that you two work out your differences soon."

"I hope so, too. except, I don't think things could ever go back to the way they were. He's changed too much."

"Awww! You seem so lonely, Bill. Can I be your friend?"

"What? Seriously?

"Yeah, I'm serious. Hasn't anyone ever wanted to be your friend?"

I shook my head.

"No, I don't have many friends, and those I do have I can't really talk to or trust."

"Well I hope that you can learn to trust me!"

I smiled.

"But how are we going to hang out? It seems as if I'm always on tour..."

"That's no problem! I can go on tour with you!"

"Seriously? How?"

She shrugged.

"I don't know, I can be your merch girl or something."

I thought about it. It would be good to have a friend...

And it would definitly make Tom jealous. He may fuck like 5 gils every night but he doesn't keep any of them. And here's this beautiful girl who's practically begging to be my friend! Tom would definitley be jealous.

"Maybe you could be our merch girl. but when will you start? We're leaving soon for our next concert location..."

"That's ok! I can quite my job now, I hate it anyways. How about I meet you at your tourbus in two hours? Where is it at?"

Two hours later I was sitting in the tourbus, writing a song, when I heard a knock on the door. Before I could get up, Tom went to answer it.

"Oooh! Hello! And how may I help you, sexy?"

Samara laughed nervously.

"Uh... I'm here to see Bill, actually."

"Well, why not see me instead? Besides, he doesn't mess with groupies. So why not see me instead?"

"Escuse me?"

I quickly got up and went to the door.

"Samara, hey!"

"Hi, Bill."

Tom looked shocked.

"You know her?"

I nodded, smiling.

"Yeah, I know her. Do you have a problem with my girl?
Come in, Samara!"

She came in, and I slipped my arm around her waist.

"You can stop staring now, Tom. Oh! And if David approves, she's going to be our new merchandise girl."

She nodded."It's true."

"Really?" Tom asked. "You do know that you have to be at least 18 to get the job, right?"

"That's no problem: I turned 18 in January."


Oh, sweet revenge!

Of course, Samara got the job. Who could say no to someone as cute as her?

That night I was in my bunk, almost asleep, when I heard Tom talking to Georg and Gustav.

"I'm just saying, how the hell does he get the hot girl (who by the way is 2 and a half fuckibg years older then him!)?"

"I don't know, dude." Gustav replied.

"Well, maybe she'll go for me when she finds out that he's gay."

I rolled over in my bunk and shut my eyes.

Well, she just won't find out then, will she?

The next day we had a concert. After we got offstage, Samara was waiting for me.

"Hey, Bill! You did great out there!"

She hugged me.

"Thanks," I replied.

We kissed. It was weird to kiss someone. The last person whom I've kissed was Tom, and that was well over two years ago.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Tom looking at us, and then he rolled his eyes. So immature! I hated it.

But, somehow, I still love him.

How twisted is that?
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Please leave a comment! I get really sad when I don't get any =*[

*I chose the name Samara, because it was the name of the creepy little girl on the horror movie The Ring =]. in the original Japenese version of the Ring the name was Sadako so its just a different version of pretty much the same name. But I think that the name is really pretty!