Love Complicates Everything

Chapter 3

A few days later Christmas break ended and I went back to school.

It was my first day back since getting kicked off the show.

It was also my first day back since the suicide attempt, which I knew that everyone had probably heard of by now. But at least they didn't know why I did it...

I could feel their eyes on me as I walked through that hallways.

None of my friends went to the same school as me, so I was alone. I could tell that everyone was talking about me. It was terrible.

Even my teachers were looking at me differently. I wasn't sure if it was a "celebrity" or if they thought that I was weird for trying to kill myself.

No one talked to me at all that day. It was like I was a ghost. I wished that Tom was with me, to hold my hand and tell me that everything would be ok.

But I was on my own.

That night I called Tom , and broke down crying on him.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"They hate me. They all hate me at school. I don't know why but no one will even talk to me!"

"Well maybe they are just shy. After all, you were just on a national tv show. Ttry talking to someone."

"Why? What's the point? I just want to get out of here."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"I was thinking: let's form a band! They can't really keep us apart then, can they? And we'll always be on tour so we wouldn't have to see mom or dad. And ew won't have to go to school either."

"But how are we going to do that? I can't play any instruments..."

"Well, you'll have to learn one! Please!"

"Ok, for you Bill. I guess it might be cool to be famous. But how are we going to practice when I'm 100 miles away?"

"I don't know, i haven't thought about that yet."

"Well, we'll think of something. I love you.

We hung up, just as mom pulled into the driveway. That was close...