Love Complicates Everything

Chapter 5

That night while mom was shopping I called Tom and told him everything that happened in the past 24 hours. He seemed just as mad as I was about the whole girlfriend thing.

He wasn't sure about the whole band/ charity event thing though.

"How are we going to get that good in a month? We don't even have a bassist or drummer!"

"Well I can ask Gustav. Do you know anyone?"

" friend Georg might want to join..."

"Perfect! I'll write a song tonight and I'll sing it to you tommorrow. Try writing something on guitar: do you know anyone who can lend you a guitar and teach you a few chords?"

"Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem."

"Good! We can do this, really!"

"I hope so."

He didn't sound very convinced, but I swear that I'll prove to everyone that we can do this. We can and we will.

Monday at school I went tp the guidance counselors' office to sign up for the event as a band.

We needed a name...

Damn. i didn't think of that.
I put down Devilish.For now, it may change. After all, Tom and I were going against our parents to do this so we were quite Devilish.

As mom said, I saw Sarah in school the next day. She kept staring at me and finaly she started talking to me in lunch. More like flirting, actually. I ignored her.

I wrote a song that day and then later called Tom andand he played me a few guitar chords.

"I only know 5 chords," he admitted.

"And I suck at writing songs," I replied.

But somehow we did it. And we didn't sound too bad, to be truthful. I couldn't wait to add some drums and bass.

We decided that Tom would come home the day before the event and stay at Gustavs' house. I would go over there and we would practice.

But we met a bump in the road when the stupid secretary at school called my parents and told them about the charity event and how I was performing. They were excited to see me doing something other then yelling and cursing and being moody all day (but hey, I am a teenager! Isn't that how I'm supposed to act?)

So now they want to come and see me perform! I didn't know what to do to keep them away, because if they see Tom there, then we're both in a lot of trouble.

So, I guess I'll just have to convince them not to come. Though I'm not exactly sure how I'll do that...

Febuary 2nd I had another appointment with Dr. Park.

"Are you excited about the charity performance?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Do you not know or do you just not want to tell me? What are you hiding?"

I was silent.

"Well let's talk about something else then. What song are you doing?"

"Just one I wrote."

"Really? Solo? A Capella? Because I recently called the school and they said that you were signed up as a band. Is that true?"

I nodded.

"Ok. Well, who's in this band? Tom?"

I didn't reply.

"Ah, silence. I'll take that as a yes. So I'm assuming you don't want your parents to come?"

I slowly nodded. There was no point in hiding it now anyways.

"Well, then. We'll just have to make sure they can't come."

"You'd do that for me?"

"I'm not completely evil. I'm here to help you, and I believe that it may actually be healthy for you to see your brother."

I had an urge to hug her, but I restrained myself.

"What's the catch?"

"There is no catch. I'm doing this to be nice, believe it or not."

"Ok, then. How are you going to keep them away?"

"Well, I'll just tell them that I want a meeting with them, and that exact date and time is the nly time I'm available."

"A meeting? And what will you tell them?"

"I'll tell them that you're completely cured."

"What?! But we both know I'm not! I still love Tom in a way that I know I shouldn't and whenever I think of losing him I have sudden urges to put a gun to my head!"

"Oh? You're still having suicidal thoughts? That's not good."

"Well, that's not going to change anything about the plan though, is it?"

"It depends. If you see your brother, you won't be as suicidal, is that right?"

I nodded.

"OK, then. If I tell your parents that you're healed, then I won't be completely lying.They may actually bring Tom home. However, I advise you to refrain from any incestous activity until you at least turn 18."

"What? But that's 5 fucking years!"

"Yes, but it's either wait or risk being caught and seperated again. It's your choice."

My choice. I have a choice. And I can't help but think that blinded by my love for him I'll probably make the wrong one.