Love Complicates Everything

Chapter 8

We went back backstage. They made an announcement that people could start donating in the name of their favorite act.

Tom and I were talking about te performance when, of all people, Sarah comes up.

"Hello Bill! You did well out there!"

"Oh...uh, thanks."

She turned to Tom.

"And who is this?"

"My twin brother, Tom."

"Oooh! You have a twin? That's so cool!"

"Uh...yeah. well, I have to go. So does Tom."

I grabbed his hand and dragged him away. We went into the hallway outside the auditorium.

"Who was that?" Tom asked.

"The bitch mom tried to set me up with."

"That was her?'

He whistled.

"Damn, she's hot!"

I slapped him on the arm.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"For what you just said!"

"Ok, jeez. So you're telling me that you have no feelings for that girl at all?"

"Why would I even think about her? I love you!"

"Answer the question, Bill."

"No, I don't like her. I don't even like girls, and I told mom that."

"And what did she say?"

"She said some bullshit like maybe I'm too young yet to like girls."

"Well, maybe you are."

"Really? But we're the same age and you like girls!"

"Well...give it some time."

I nodded, unsure of how to reply.

We talked for a couple of more minutes until they made another announcement for all of the acts to come onto the stage for them to announce the winner.

We rejoined Georg and Gustav and together the four of us walked onstage.

Most of the other performers were there too, including Sarah.

Supposedly, she did ballet.

Principal Joe [he, trying to act cool, insisted we call him by his first name.] grabbed the microphone.

"Thank you to everyone who attended this event today, and thank you to all of our performers. We raised a total of $10,00. Let's give ourselves a round of applause."

Everyone clapped.

"Thank you. And now, to annouce the winners. With $3,760 raised in their name, the winner is Devilish!"

I couldn't believe it! I was so excited , I couldn't believe that we had won!

I heard Sarah yell, "Congratulations!" and then, before I knew it, she threw her arms around me and kissed me! And it was quite a long kiss, I have to admit, but I was too shocked to pull back.

When i did pull back, however, I looked up to see Tom's hurt face.

He walked offstage.

I sighed.

Georg and Gustav were trying to tell me to come over so we could present the giant check to the charity foundation or something stupid, but i didn't care anymore.

I ran offstage.

i heard Georg say into the microphone," They must be shy!"

I saw Tom sitting in the hallway.

He saw me.

"Oh, so you don't like girls, huh? Cus that was some kiss!"

"Tom! She kissed me! Do you seriously think that I would do that to you? I love you!"

I sat down next to him and put my arm around him.

"Please don't be mad. It meant nothing to me anyways."

Tom sighed.

"I know. I just got really jealous, though. I mean, that girl was all over you!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, can't she get the hint by now that I don't like her?"

Suddenly his mood changed.

"Well maybe she's still going after you because you're so goddamed irresistable!" He said seductively.

Damn, for being 13 this kid has some good lines!

"Follow me," he said.

He lead me into one of the classrooms and shut the door. We put a desk in frot of it so that no one could come in.

Then I put my arms around Tom's neck.

"So...where did we leave off?"

Tom smiled and kissed me. I willingly kissed back and we were just starting to get into it when we heard a knock on the door.

I thought that we could ignore it but not when I heard who it was.

"Bill and Tom Kaulitz if you are in there open up this fucking door and get your asses out here!"

"Mom!" Tom and I both said.

We were trapped.