Love Complicates Everything

Chapter 9

"What are we going to do? If we go out there, then she'll be able to figure out what we were doing in here!"

"Uh...the window!" I said.


"We can climb out the window!"

"But what about the door?" Tom asked. "We can't leave the desk in front of it!"

"But if we move it then mom will come in."

"Oh...yeah, you're right."

"Yeah," I replied. "And besides, Principal Joe is a big guy! Just have him lean against the door, maybe ram into it a few times, problem solved!"

Tom laughed.

"You can be so mean sometimes."

"I know."

I went to the window and opened it. Thank god we were on the first floor; it was only about a 3 foot jump.

We jumped out and then walked around to the front entrance and back into the school. We went up to mom.

"Mooooom...why are you yelling at that door and banging on it? Did it do something wrong?"

I asked. I heard Tom giggling behind me.

She looked surprised to see us there.

"Oh...boys! But I thought...someone told me they saw... oh, nevermind!

Tom, what the hell were you thinking, leaving school to come here! I will decide your punishment later. You boys, always up to something wrong! 100 miles away from eachother and you still manage something like this! I'm going to have to make sure you two never see eachother again!"


She grabbed me and Tom by our ears and dragged us towards the door.

"Mom, that hurts!" I yelled.

"Too damn bad. God, I've got to keep you two on a leash it seems!"

Gustav and Georg ran over to us.

"Bill! Tom! You won't believe what just happened!"

"Boys, Bill and Tom can't talk right now, they are both in a lot of trouble."

They ignored her.

"Some guy just came up to us and offered our band a $5 million recording contract!"


It wasn't me who yelled that, or even Tom. It was mom! She even let go of our ears.

"Oh, boys! I'm so happy! Now you two can make me....I mean yourselves a lot of money!"

"But mom, you just said that you're going to make sure Bill and I never see eachother again." Tom pointed out.

"Oh? I did? Well, times change, times change! So, where is this guy?"

A man came up to her.

"Hello! Are you the mother of these two musical angles?"

"Why, yes!"

They walked away to a nearby bench to finish their conversation.

"Jeez, your mom seems really money hungry!" Gustav pointed out.

I nodded.

"Yeah,so it seems..."