Always the Last to Leave


“So are we going to do this again?”

His warm brown eyes, glanced down over her. Everything was so familiar. Not that he’d seen it all before. But her face. He never forgot her face. Never. She wasn’t like any of the rest of them. It was like…he’d watched her grow up. He could remember the way she used to pull her hair back, and squeal at the sight of him. He remembered when she started wearing glasses, and then when she got her contacts. He remembered how suddenly one day, she didn’t look like a kid anymore. But she was. And Quinn always had to remind himself of that.

“Do what?” he asked, delaying the rest of the conversation. She rolled her eyes at him. He was always like that – never wanted to say goodbye, but knew doing anything else but wouldn’t be good.

“Do that thing where we pretend like I really want you to sign my ticket, and you don’t know who I am,” she said. They were both aware of the crowd that was still lingering. She was always the last to approach him, and he hated it. He knew that was how it had to go, but he felt like it was such a tease. She would hang on the side with her friends, glance at him, and quickly glance away. He would smoke a cigarette, take a picture, sign a t-shirt, and pretend like he could actually keep his eyes from wandering over.

The older let out a heavy sigh, shoving his hands into his pockets and shrugging his shoulders while he looked over at the bus. “You got your braces off,” he said, smiling, returning his gaze back to the girl in front of him.

“And I turned eighteen,” she said. You could hear the way she was smirking in her voice. Quinn blushed, letting out a nervous chuckle, and he sort of snorted.

“That so?” She just nodded. “Well then…”

They stood there for a while like that. His hands in his pockets, her arms folded over her chest to keep herself warm. He wanted to hold her or give her his hoodie or something, but, well, that would turn heads, and turning heads was something they knew they couldn’t do.

“When do I see you next?” she asked, looking up at him and cocking her head to the side. Every time she saw him she was afraid it was going to be her last. She knew this couldn’t last forever, and she could feel the end coming on.

“August? September? Something like that,” the male shrugged, adjusting the hair that was slightly falling down into his eyes. “Unless…tomorrow?”

“Too far,” she shook her head. “This was already pushing it.” The girl licked over her lips, quickly running her fingers through her long dark hair. She hated doing this, and she knew it killed him too. Why? Who fucking knew? What could they possibly have? Nothing. He was Quinn Scott Allman, and she was nothing. But he always came back to her. Always. At the end of the day, she was the one he always found himself pulled to. She was always the last one to leave.

“Ahh..” Quinn nodded, glancing around. He could sense that there were some fans who wanted him to pay attention to them. After all, he’d spent how long with her? Far too long for it to be considered and oh-my-God-I-love-you conversation. “So..” She shrugged her little shoulders. She always seemed so small to Quinn, though in reality, she was only about a head shorter. He just…he remembered her really little, so she always seemed really little.

“So,” she repeated, watching him. She wanted him to make the next move, to call the next shot. She would take anything he was willing to give. It was all up to him.

“How long can you stick around until?” he asked, feeling goose bumps crawl over his skin. It was way too cold to be the end of April. Way. Too. Cold. Once again, she just shrugged, rubbing over her arms to try and keep warm.

“How long do you want me to stick around?”

“Bus call at 12:30.”

“Then I’m sticking around until 12:30.” Quinn smirked, because her tone was so sarcastic. Like he really had to ask how long she was going to stay… She was going to stay until everyone else left, and he could hug her like he always did. Just hold on tight, if only for just ten seconds. His hugs always said so much. His thin frame always managed to hold her just right, and sometimes his nose would rub against her hair, and he would shiver at her scent and savor it, because God only knew how long it would be until he would have the chance to hold her like that again. He had a way of cradling her whole body and making it known that it was all for real; that no one was going to ruin it. It was always just the two of them. Her arms inside his hoodie to keep warm, his hands running down her back. Innocently, of course. It was always just the two of them.

She was always the last to leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
Quite possibly a one shot.
I haven't decided yet.