Status: On hiatus until "Love and Werewolves" is finished.


Chapter one


Burning here, in the room
Feeling that the walls are moving closer
Silent scene the dark takes me
Leads me to the ending of another day
I'm haunted

Tell me who you are. I am spellbound
You cannot have this control on me
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
I will break the spell you put on me

Velvet drapes, glowing candles
Silent whispers of words inside of my head
The night that comes, it waits for me
Lift me to the ending of another day
I'm haunted

Tell me who you are. I am spellbound
You cannot have this control on me
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
I will break the spell you put on me

Tell me who you are. I am spellbound
You cannot have this control on me
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
I will break the spell you put on me

Everywhere I go I am spellbound
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
I will break the spell you put on me...

I finish the song I just wrote and feel around for my bed.

Just as I lay down nearly asleep I hear Mrs. Wright the elderly women who owns this place calling my name.

"Yes." I call in my small quiet voice

"Sweetie, may I come in?" she asks


I hear her open the door.

"Silver, honey I know that you birthday is coming up soon and I really wanted to get you something special, and I know you've been listening to that Justin Bieber boy a lot so I got in contact with his mother and got you tickets and a meet and greet."

A giant smile spreads out wide on my face.

"Thank you so much!" I yell

I hear a smile in her voice as she says "The concert is tonight and Lindsey is coming so you have to get ready."

"Okay could you get Lindsey to help me get dresses, please?"

"Sure, sweetie I'll send her in, in a minute."

"Thank you." I smile

Lindsey comes in a few minutes later announcing her self.

"Okay you are going to wear..." she pauses for a minute and opens a door to what I am assuming is my closet..

"Okay got it!" Lindsey yells

"You are going to wear a black skirt a green shirt the black uggs you have and these hoop earings." she says sitting next to me and helping me change then she straightens my short dark hair and puts make-up on.

"I swear I am a miracle worker" she says as she does some final touches

"Do I look okay?" I ask quietly

"Okay?" "Okay?" "You look god damned sexy!" She yells and I giggle

"Thanks>" I say smiling

"Sure thing, now come on we gotta get in the car." she says dragging me off.

She leads me into the car and Mr. Wright Mrs. Wright's husband drives us to the Susquehanna bank center which is where Justin is performing.

The drive is about a half an hour we get there and hear girls screaming.

Lindsey leads us to the front row which is where our seats are.

I sit down full of excitement.

Justin began singing about a half hour later starting with One time, then One Less Lonely Girl, Baby, Favorite girl, Down to earth, Eenie Menie then his last song was Love Me.

I sang along with all of the songs as did half of the other girls at the concert.

When it was over we were led backstage where we were told to wait.

Justin's P.O.V

I walk off the stage and head to the back exhausted. I walk back stage when, suddenly a very beautiful short and skinny girl slams into me.

"Sorry." she says in a teeny tiny whisper

"What the hell?" "Watch were your going, midget."

Jesus I am such an asshole.

"S-sorry, sir. I did not see you." She says quietly

"How could you not see me I right in front of you."

"Yo, jerk-off." I hear a girl yell

I spin around and see a girl about my height stalking tor wards me.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." "Jerk-off." "She's blind you ass leave her alone."

I turn and see the gorgeous girl with her head down.

My mother walks over and pulls me aside.

"So I see You've meant the special guest I was telling you about." She says smiling

Oh shit this is that girl ah hell screw my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for shortness