Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

Welcome To My Life

I hate my life. I know most teenage girls will say that every time they get a zit or they embarrass themselves in front of that special someone, but this is different, my life is royally fucked up. For starters, I’m an orphan, my parents and baby sister were brutally murdered in the night while I was at summer camp. That was when I was 8, when I had friends. If soon got adopted by Mark and Lottie when I was 12. They seemed nice enough people, little did I know they were both far from normal. By the time I was 13 I had discovered that Mark was unable to manage his anger properly so he would have sudden out bursts and beat the closest thing to him, which was usually me. He would often get drunk and when Lottie was out with her friends he would do things to me that I didn’t quite understand at the time.

At first it was just incestuous touching but when I was 14 he had moved onto violating me, my sacred purity was lost and so was my confidence, he'd only done that 3 times but he said that if I ever told anyone about it or disobeyed him then I would be punished. I didn't really want to find out what that would be though so I obeyed his every command, following a strict set of rules which stated that I was not allowed to make any friends, my outrageous curfew was 4:30pm, which means I have no social life what so ever, and I also had to get good grades, which wasn’t really a problem to be honest. It wasn't so bad I guess, but the fact that Mark had stolen my confidence meant that it was impossible for me to make a friend anyway because I was now painfully shy.

I’m now 16 and still have no friends to my name, everyone tried to avoid me anyway just because most of them are narrow minded stereotypers who judged me on the way I look, which meant they would often screw around with me at school. I have black hair with streaks of purple in it with a side fringe that covers my eyes nearly completely, I wear purple contacts since I hate my bright blue eyes(although they are mostly covered by my glasses anyway) and I have a lip ring and a tattoo on my lower back which reads 'By night one way, by day another', I got that when I was nearly 15 because I wanted to make Mark and Lottie mad but they just didn't care anyway so I decided to get piercings as well. Oh and Last and certainly least my name is Rain Summers, pretty awful right?

***** ***** *****

I walked to school as normal, I chose to avoid the bus since it was just too much hassle to begin with. As I was walking up the road to school it started to rain, I didn't really care since I liked the rain and I couldn't care less about my appearance. While walking a car drove past through a puddle of dirty water which ended up falling on top of me.

“HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU STUPID ASS!” I screamed after the car, great, I had started the day in a horrible mood and also my cloths were now soaked through. I just carried on walking until I reached the front gates of the high school, trudging through the hallway I eventually got to my locker and got out my books. Still busying myself in my locker I suddenly got hit in the head by my locker door and fell to the ground dropping all my stuff in the process.

“Oh shit, are you okay?” a voice asked, I opened my eyes to see a boy with shoulder length black shaggy hair with amazing hazel eyes staring at me on the floor, I thought about the consequences of Mark finding out but I just shrugged it off, still rubbing my forehead from the bump I nodded and took his hand which was extended in front of me.

“I’m Gerard by the way, oh and sorry for earlier as well,” he said, I just gave him a confused look. “I’m the stupid ass,” it suddenly clicked that he was the dumb ass driver who had drenched me on my walk to school. I just smiled meekly and bent down to pick up my shit which was sprawled across the floor, he also bent down and helped me. “Are you sure you're okay?” he asked again.

“Y-yes, I’m f-fine.” I stuttered.

“Finally! She speaks! I thought you didn't have a tongue and was afraid I might have had to investigate.” he said flirtatiously, I just turned a deep crimson colour and shoved my books into my messenger bag.

“So ... what's your name?” he asked me, leaning against the row of lockers behind him.

“Rain.” I answered, just as the warning bell rang for first lesson.

“Well then Rain, I guess I'll see you around then.” he said.

“Okay, b-bye.” I said walking off towards history class.
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Anyone like it? cause if you do, TELL ME, and i will post mroe chapters! xD