Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

Guess what?

Rain’s P.O.V

Me and Mikey were now officially a couple, even though nobody really knew yet. It’s been a week since we made out in Mikey’s bedroom and we thought that we might as well tell everyone. But I didn’t want to just come right out and say it, so we were trying to figure out the best way to tell them. We didn’t want to just wait for them to find out by themselves either, because that would be just horrible.

We were all currently sat at the lunch table, me sat by Mikey (of course) along with Frank and Shelby whilst the other guys sat opposite us on the table. Frank, Shelby and Ray were consumed in an in-depth conversation about which guitar is the overall best in the universe whereas Gerard and Bob were arguing over who their physics teachers pervs on the most in their class (he’s a real creep). This meant that me and Mikey were left to each other’s company, not that either of us minded though.

“Do you think we should tell them now?” Mikey asked me.

“Uh … you do it.” I said. He just smirked down at me, causing me to blush profusely.

“Why don’t you wanna do it?” he asked, still with a knowing smirk on his face. I looked down at my lap where I began to fidget with my fingers.

“Shut up.” I said, trying to sound upset but I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. I heard him chuckle before he took one of my hands in his, intertwining our fingers together and rubbing his thumb over mine soothingly. Looking up at his face I took the chance to simply look at him. A toothy grin was spread across his cheeks, the cute little dimples curving at the corners of his lips. His hair hung dishevelled on his head, partially sweeping in front of his sparkling hazel eyes which were somewhat shielded by his thick-rimmed glasses but also seemed to light up his whole face.

“I think you’re pretty.” I murmured without thinking, but once my mind processed what I’d said, another blush spread like wild fire across my cheeks. I then felt his hand under my chin as he lifted my head so that I was looking into his eyes.

“I think you’re beautiful.” He said sounding genuinely truthful before he leant forward and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. When he pulled away he let his lips linger closely to mine for a moment before connecting them once more. These kisses were less rushed than the ones we shared last week, but they still had the same amount of passion and lust in them. My hand founds it up to his cheek as his rested on my knee, caressing jean-clad skin. We were stuck in our own world when we were suddenly interrupted by someone yelling.

“OH MY GOD! I KNEW IT!” I heard Frank exclaim from beside me as I pulled away from the kiss and yet another blush reached my cheeks. What was it, embarrass Rain day? I looked around to see that Frank’s little outburst had attracted the attention of not only the whole table, but most of the lunch room. But soon enough after nothing more was said, the rest of the lunch room went back to ignoring us again.

“So are you guys really going out or what?” Gerard asked us, seeming as excited as a kid at Christmas. I looked up at Mikey, he raised his eyebrow at me, as if asking if it was okay, and I nodded shyly.

“Yeah, we’re together.” He said smiling as he moved his arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him as the whole table awed. I think I even heard Frank squeal, he can be so flaming when he wants to be.

“Since when? Tell me all about it, and don’t leave out any details!” Frank gushed. See what I mean?

“Erm last week we were in my room doing homework when I said that I liked her, as more than a friend. And she said she liked me too and we, uh, kissed.” Mikey said awkwardly, I couldn’t help but giggle a bit and lean my head on his shoulder.

“Congrats bro!” Gerard exclaimed, clapping Mikey on the shoulder which I wasn’t leant against.

“Yeah, it’s about fucking time!” Frank said, throwing me a knowing smirk as I blushed, yet again. The rest of the table offered their opinion on the relationship and everyone was really happy for us. I was glad that we didn’t have to hide it any longer and we could be a real couple now.
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Sorry it's so short, more updates on monday cus its my birthday! yay me! lol
thanks for reading! <333 xox