Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

We Can't All Be As Sexy As Frankie

When lunch was over we went our separate ways. Mikey, Gerard, Frank and I went to gym class whilst the others went to biology. The guys went into their locker room and I went into mine where I got changed into my gym kit with a bunch of gossiping girls around me. Seriously, it’s so cramped in there that when I try to pull on my shirt I got butt-bumped by someone putting on their shoes. I got out of their as quickly as I could and met up with the guys on the bleachers. After a few minutes of chatting the coach came out and blew his whistle, basically telling us to shut the hell up.

“Alright kids, it’s track time. Now get off your butts and give me 10 laps!” he bellowed up at us. Everyone just sat there for a moment, no one very keen to start running. “Did I say I wanted them done next week? No, I said NOW!” I yelled. At that we all stood up and made our way onto the track and started running. Well, I wasn’t running, I was walking along with Mikey, Gerard and Frank. Let’s just say that gym isn’t our strongest subject.

We chatted whilst we walked, getting lapped by our class mates numerous amounts of times. Soon enough it was the end of the lesson and yet we still had 2 laps to go, everyone else had finished ages ago and had gone home already. This was the point where we started to jog instead of walking, I wanted to go home!

“Come on you guys, you run like a bunch of girls!” the coach shouted as we passed him. I stopped running and turned around to face him.

“I AM a girl!” I exclaimed angrily.

“Oh, yeah. Well, keep running Ms Summers, or I’ll give you detention for a week!” he yelled. I sighed and caught back up to the guys.

“I hate running.” I whined as my legs started to go numb.

“Me too.” Frank panted. I turned to see him struggling to even jog. His head then snapped up and he got a devious smirk on his face, I watched as he jogged so that he was a few metres behind Gerard and turned back to me and Mikey, motioning for us to be quiet. He then took a running start and jumped onto Gerard’s back, flinging his arms and legs around him.

“Frank?! What the hell?” Gerard complained, probably from the pressure Frank had put on him, making it harder to run.

“I’m tired, and I didn’t feel like running so … yeah. Ooh, I have an idea! We could have a race! A bit of sibling rivalry, eh? Rain, jump on Mikey’s back.” Frank exclaimed. I gave him a ‘you’re crazy’ look and then turned to Mikey, as though to ask if it was alright. He smiled and nodded as I jumped onto his back.

“Okay, when I say go we’ll start. 3 2 1 go!” Frank said way too quickly, him and Gerard taking the lead for a moment before me and Mikey caught up to them. Frank and I were giggling like maniacs whilst the two brothers raced against each other. we were nearing the end of the last lap and Gerard and Mikey were still more or less tied, but then Mikey sprinted even faster and we finished the last lap first.

“Yay! We won!” I cheered, jumping off of Mikey’s back and hugging him. I turned to see Gerard panting as he slowed to stop. He looked like he was about to cough up a lung, probably because of how much he smokes.

“Aw man, Gerard! Why’d you have to be so slow and unfit?” Frank whined beside him. Gerard looked at him, a smirk making its way onto his face.

“Well not everyone can be as sexy as you, Frankie.” He said, still smirking. I watched as Frank looked up at Gerard with a small smile. They stayed like that for ages, their eyes locked together and I could tell that both of them wanted to close the space between them both.

“Oh will you just go out already?!” Mikey exclaimed, sighing out of annoyance. Frank and Gerard seemed to snap out of their trances, looking away from each other and both blushing.

“What? I’m not gay, Mikey.” Gerard insisted, trying not to make eye contact with either of us. Beside him, Frank’s face dropped and a look of hurt flashed across his face before he turned around and started walking towards the changing rooms. I felt so sorry for him at times like these, Gerard could be such a jerk to Frank yet he still wouldn’t say anything about it. After he disappeared from our view Mikey stepped forward and wacked Gerard over the head.

“What the hell did you do that for?!” Gerard complained, rubbing his sore head.

“I could ask you the same fucking question! Why’d you always do this Gerard? Can’t you see how much you’re hurting him?” Mikey questioned.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Gerard mumbled, looking away from us.

“Oh for god’s sake Gerard! It’s blatantly obvious to everyone that Frank likes you, and I’m pretty damn sure that you feel the same, right?” I asked, trying to get him to admit his feelings. He sighed.

“Alright, I like him, okay?” Gerard said, sounding like a stubborn child.

“Then why don’t you go and see if he’s okay? Then ask him out.” I said. He thought it over for a moment before nodding his head.

“Yeah, okay, I’m gonna do it. Thanks guys.” Gerard said, running over to the locker rooms.

“You’re welcome!” Mikey called after him, laughing slightly. He then turned to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him. I smiled and leant against his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. We stood like that for a few minutes before Mikey leaned down and placed his lips onto mine. I kissed back as I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to me. I felt his hands slide down my waist and then suddenly land on my ass. I gasped and pulled away from him, trying to look annoyed but I couldn’t help but smile.

“Mikey, am I mistaken or did you just cop a feel on my ass?” I asked, struggling to keep a straight face.

“What can I say? I like you in shorts.” He said smirking. I hit his chest playfully as he wrapped one arm around my waist and we walked towards the locker rooms. Mikey opened the door, letting me walk in first like the gentleman he is. And what I saw in front of me didn’t shock me as much as I thought it would. Gerard had Frank pinned against the lockers as they furiously made out, hands roaming everywhere and delicate sighs could be heard.

“Awwww!” I cooed, causing them to pull apart and blush again. I couldn’t help it, they just made such a cute couple.

“So does this mean you’re together now?” Mikey asked. Frank looked up expectantly at Gerard, waiting for an answer.

“Yeah, we are.” He said, placing a kiss on the top of Frank’s head as I wrapped his arms securely around him. We then all decided that it was time to go home, and time to get out of these sweaty gym clothes!
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here's another update, there aren't many chapters left now, but i will be starting a different mikey story soon! xD