Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

Bob Is Lonely

It’s been a few weeks since Gerard and Frank had hooked up, and now you couldn’t keep them away from each other. Sure, some people hadn’t been as accepting of their relationship as much as we had, but they didn’t bother us. We were currently hanging out at Bob’s place, you’d think it’s be boring just sitting there but it was actually pretty fun just talking with each other.

And it was definitely entertaining when his mom kept coming into the room and offering homemade cookies or sharing an embarrassing story of Bob’s childhood. That is, until he finally told her to buzz off in the politest way possible. After that we pretty much laid back and talked. I was sat on Mikey's lap on an arm chair whilst Frank lay on top of Gerard on the floor and Bob was sprawled across a sofa of his own. I noticed that Ray and Shelby were sat awfully close together on the other sofa, almost reminding me of a couple. Wait a minute …

"Oh my god, are you two going out?" I asked them, both their heads shot up to look at me with wide eyes before blushed spread across their cheeks. There was a short silence before Ray finally nodded as Shelby hid her face in his neck as we all ‘awed’.

“Great, is everyone in here a damn couple?” Bob asked. We all stared at him for a moment before nodding, making him sigh exasperated. “I feel lonely.” We heard him mumble as we erupted into laughter.

“Aw don’t worry Bobby, I’ll keep you company.” Frank said, but as he was about to get up Gerard pulled him back down.

“Nu uh, you’re mine.” He said, making Frank roll his eyes before pecking his lips and lying back down on top of him. We then got into a whole other conversation about how much our History teacher needs a life and other things about the Hitler youth camp we call school. This carried on for a while until finally Frank revealed the truth about the situation.

“I’m bored!” he exclaimed loudly.

“What’re we gonna do then?” Ray asked.

“I wanna go to the beach!” Frank announced, whilst the rest of us just gave him the weirdest look.

“Erm Frankie? We’re in Jersey, there’s no beach near us, babe.” Gerard said, to which Frank harrumphed and started pouting.

“Fine, but what else is there to do?” Frank asked.

“Well … I think there’s a carnival in town …” Mikey pondered.

“Oh my god, that’d be awesome! Can we go?! Please Gerard, please?!” Frank asked, getting really excited. He should really lay off the skittles.

“Sure babe.” Gerard said, pecking his cheek as Frank started fidgeting from excitement. So after that we all got ready to go to the carnival, apparently it wasn’t too far from Bob’s place so we could just walk there. It didn’t take long at all and before we knew it we were surrounded by people carrying candyfloss and throwing up. A typical carnival.

“Ooh! Lets go on the bumper carts!” Frank exclaimed like a little kid as he dragged Gerard off towards them, the rest of us tagging along as well. If you ever happen to go on bumper carts with Frank Iero, don’t. He’s a fucking maniac! I swear he was actually trying to give Bob whiplash.

“That was fucking awesome!” Frank shouted as we exited the carts.

“Glad you had fun.” Bob said sarcastically as he rubbed the back of his neck, making everyone laugh. We then went on a few more rides, having a blast. After a while everyone wanted to go on this massive ride which was basically just a big vertical drop. I got dragged into the queue but my stomach was churning and my hands were getting clammy. If you haven’t noticed yet I’m not a big fan of heights, I can’t even look down from a second story without feeling a bit queasy. I think Mikey noticed my hesitance as he turned to me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

“Y-Yeah, I’m F-Fine.” Damn my nervous stutter.

“No you’re not. What’s the matter?” he asked again.

“I-I … I-It’s silly really.” I said gesturing towards the ma-hoo-sive ride shakily. His face contorted into one of understanding as he pulled me into a comforting hug.

“Rain, there’s nothing to be scared of, the ride’s perfectly safe, you can shut your eyes if you want, and I’ll be right there next to you the whole time.” He tried to convince me, as he pulled back from the hug and brushed my hair out of my eyes, resting his hand on my cheek. I gave him a small smile.

“I don’t know …” I said, looking up at the ride sceptically.

“Will this help?” he asked before leaning closer and pressing his lips to mine, cradling the side of my face gently. I smiled into the kiss as I moved my lips against his tenderly, resting my hands against his chest. The kiss continued and his hands wandered down my sides and slid into my back pockets, as mine fisted the material of his shirt slightly. I moaned quietly when his hands groped my ass firmly, which was when the kiss began to slow until we both pulled away, my cheeks flushed red as I grinned up at him.

“Most definitely.” I said, answering his previous question. He smiled before we both moved along with the queue. And when it finally came to the ride, I was nervous as hell, but Mikey reassured me and it was awesome! Mikey means so much to me now, I don’t know what I’d ever do with out him.
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I am so so very sorry for the long wait, i really don't have much of an excuse, just blame it on my laziness xD
so there's about 2 chapters left now but they'll hopefully be longer than this one, and the plot is about to thicken! lol comment please! xox