Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

Stop Having Sex On The Sofa!

Rain’s P.O.V

We were currently sitting around in the Way living room, we being myself, Mikey and Gerard. Mrs Way was at the grocery store and Mr Way was at work so we had the house to ourselves. I was sat on the sofa leaning against Mikey whilst Gerard was sprawled out on the other sofa. We were all watching this really crappy reality show where it was basically everyone bitching to each other. Needless to say, it had lost my attention long ago.

“Gerard! Change the channel!” Mikey whined, as he too was bored of the show.

“No, I’m the oldest so I say what we watch on TV, so there!” he retorted. It was times like these when the two brothers would act like children. But I wasn’t complaining, it was after all very entertaining.

“But this show is rubbish! Stop being a shithead a change the channel!” Mikey exclaimed from beside me.

“I am not a shit head.” Gerard said.

“Are too.”

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

“Guys! Shut up! Mikey, stop complaining about the show and Gerard, you’re not a shithead but if you two keep arguing I am gonna shove your head down the toilet and then you really will be a shithead!” I exclaimed, cutting their petty argument short. They both stared at me with shocked faces.

“Dude, your girlfriend scares me.” Gerard said, going back to watching the TV.

“Good.” I said, huffing before leaning back against Mikey. I heard him chuckle from beside me so I turned my head to glance back at him but was met with his lips against mine. I reacted immediately by reaching up and cupping his cheek, bringing him closer to me as our lips moved together. He slid his tongue past my lips to explore my mouth, causing me to let out a quiet moan.

I then moved so that I was sat in his lap, straddling him. He looked a little shocked at first but we continued to make out heavily, hand wander each other’s bodies. I felt from underneath me that he was a little ‘happy’, if you know what I mean. I grinned into the kiss as I moved my hands to his hair where I ran my fingers through it.

“Hey! Stop having sex on the sofa!” Gerard exclaimed, to which I pulled on of my hands out of Mikey’s hair to flip him the bird as I continued to kiss Mikey. I giggled as I heard Gerard mutter “Charming!” under his breath, but still I kept on kissing Mikey. His hands were resting on my hips but slowly moved so that they were underneath my shirt and on my sides. I shivered at the contact and moved as close as I possibly could towards him.

A few minutes later we heard someone knock on the front door, but neither Mikey nor myself stopped kissing to answer it. We were still lip locked when we heard Gerard sigh as he stood up from his seat.

“Oh, no don’t stop sucking face long enough to answer the door, just let Gerard get it, it’s not like he was busy or something as well.” I heard Gerard say sarcastically as I continued to kiss Mikey. The knocking at the door turned into full out aggressive banging “Hold on, I’m coming!” Gerard yelled as he made his way to the door, but a loud crashing signalled that the door had been kicked in.

Mikey and I jumped apart from our kiss, still in each others arms as we stared warily into the hallway. There was a man standing in front of Gerard, and when he looked up my breath hitched in my throat and I started to shake. His evil smirk was enough to make me let out a quiet sob. Mark.

“Hey! What the hell is your problem?!” Gerard all but screamed at my step dad before Mark turned back to him and shoved him to the floor. He turned back, his eyes locked with mine as he stalked toward me and Mikey.

"Rain, you're coming home, now." he barked, gripping me by my wrist harshly. I struggled against his grasp until he finally let go, I shied away into the corner of the room, trying to get away.

"Why can't you just make this easy for me, you little whore." he seethed at me, making his way toward me yet again before his path was blocked by Mikey.

"She’s not a whore, now leave her alone." Mikey said, his voice authoritative and commanding.

"Or what? You'll throw your action figures at me? Oh please, get out of my way." Mark said crudely, shoving Mikey's chest roughly. He quickly regained his balance and stood his ground protecting me.

"No, now leave her alone." Mikey demanded. Mark just smirked before bringing his fist back and punched Mikey swiftly in the face, causing him to fall back and hit his head on the coffee table.

"Mikey!" I screamed as I saw a pool of blood starting to form around where he lay unconscious on the floor.

"Sorry about your little boyfriend, bitch, but you're coming home, whether you like it or not." Mark said, laughing slightly at my terrified expression. I screamed and covered my head with my hands as he made a grab for me, but something stopped him. There was a lot of yelling and when I looked up I saw a couple of police officers
handcuffing Mark whilst Gerard knelt crying next to his brother, trying to bring him to.

I scrambled over to them and kneeled at Mikey’s head, brushing his hair out of his face. His glasses were cracked and there was blooded dripping from his nose as well as his lip. Soon enough the paramedics came rushing in, putting him on a gurney and rushing him off to the ambulance. I sat in the ambulance with Mikey, holding his hand tightly as we drove to the hospital. Oh god please let him be okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm ... anyone expecting that?
okay, so there's only one more chapter of this story left but i will be starting a different Mikey story soon xD
