Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

Somewhere I Belong

When I finally arrived I was just in time before the last bell rang, I took my usual seat in the back and set down my bag and history text book. the class carried on usual enough, I ended up gazing out into the window half the time but was abruptly interrupted from my train of thoughts by a screwed up piece of paper that landed on my desk, I looked in confusion in the direction it came from to see a boy with black and red hair, hazel eyes, a lip ring and a black flag t-shirt sitting next to me.

“Psst, pass it to Mikey.” he said pointing to the boy next to me, he had light brown hair and had familiar hazel eyes which were obscured behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses, he looked truly amazing, gorgeous in fact. I threw the piece of paper onto his desk, he seemed slightly startled also but I just stared back out of the window.

“You’re gay? Is that your best insult, Frank?” Mikey said while looking at the boy who passed the note, who seemed to be named Frank. He just smirked.

“You got anything better?” Frank asked sarcastically, I was getting quite interested in their conversation to be honest, call me nosy, whatever, I don’t care.

“Well-” Mikey started but got cut off by the teacher.

“Is there something you would like to share with the class, Michael?” asked the teacher.

“No sir.” Mikey said, he looked a bit infuriated now. The bell for lunch rang as the kids filled out of the classroom, on my way to lunch I found that Frank and Mikey were walking in front of me to lunch also and I could hear their conversation pretty clearly.

“Why hello there Michael, what a fine day it is today, Michael” Frank said laughing and imitating a snobby voice.

“Dude, shut up.” Mikey said exasperated. They went into the lunch hall and got in the queue for the school food, I just went to my usual table at the back and sat down with my sandwich, soda and a book I brought from home, school food is the worst. I didn't even touch my sandwich but took an occasional sip from my soda. While engrossed in my book, I heard footsteps coming towards as I turned a page.

“Hey rain!” exclaimed a familiar voice, it startled me slightly but as i looked over the top of my book I was met with the face of Gerard.

“Oh, erm, hi Gerard.' I said putting my book down on the table. I don’t have very good people skills.

“Can we sit here? Everywhere else is taken.” he said with pleading eyes, how could i say no to that?

“Erm sure, but when you say 'we' do you mean your 3 imaginary friends?” I asked, I had no idea where this sudden confidence had come from and I was slightly embarrassed by it to be honest.

“No they stayed at home today.” he said with a laugh, which I returned.

“The guys should be over soon.” he said whilst placing his tray of food on the table and taking the seat next to me. Eventually a boy with wild hair, similar to that of an afro, came over to the table.

“Hey Ray! Ray this is Rain, Rain this is ray.” Gerard said, introducing us.

“Hey.” Ray said smiling a friendly smile at me.

“Hi.” I said sheepishly, I felt so foolish since I had barely spoken to anyone in this school before today, yet I’d been going here for near 3 years.

“So, you like Iron Maiden huh? I think their music is amazing.” Ray asked, striking up a conversation, I looked down at my shirt, which was in fact an Iron Maiden shirt, and nodded.

“Yeah, they're awesome.” I said with a bigger smile, I didn't think anyone else in this preppy school liked them. I suddenly heard a bit of shoving ahead so I looked up to see Frank and Mikey walking towards us.

“Hey Mikes! Frankie!” Gerard said whilst gesturing for them to come and sit down with us.

“Hey, you're that girl from history class!” Frank said staring at me after taking a seat opposite me, I just nodded again. I looked up again to see Frank and Mikey staring at me still.

“Well Frank, Mikey, this is Rain, Rain this is my friend Frank and my little brother Mikey.” Gerard said, they both gave me an enthusiastic wave. That would explain the familiar hazel eyes then …
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YAY! another chapter! i reli like writing this story because i know alot of people think that only gerard and frank are the smexy people in mcr but mikey is so adorably cute! xD
yeah ... plz comment and subscribe, i'll give you air hugs???