Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

Pirates vs Vampires

“So ...” Mikey said.

“What is with you guys starting nearly every sentence with *so ...*?” I asked, pretending to be annoyed but I wasn't really, just curious, that’s all.

“I dunno, it’s a guy thing, I guess” he said laughing, I laughed along with him.

“So ... what were you gonna say?” I asked, linking arms with Mikey.

“Oh just if you were eating lunch with us again.” he said, I could see he was starting to blush slightly.

“Of course!” I said as if it were obvious but just laughed afterwards. When we got to the table Gerard and Frank were arguing.

“What’s it about this time?” Mikey asked Ray as we sat down.

“Oh Frank said that pirates were better than vampires and Gerard thinks otherwise.” Ray said, slightly annoyed by the childish bickering that was occurring next to him.

“Well obviously vampires are better, what the hell Frank? Pirates? Really?” I asked staring at Gerard who was giving frank a noogie.

“I thought you loved me Rain Summers.” he said, over dramatically pretending to be hurt. I decided to play along with it.

“It’s not you Frank, it’s me, I’m not good enough for you!” I shouted whilst fake crying on my knees, Frank eventually caught on to what I was doing.

“No you're not! I give you my love and you throw it back in my beautiful face!” Frank shouted standing up, we were starting to get quite an audience by now.

“I’m sorry Frank, I don't love you like I did yesterday! Forgive me?” I fake sobbed while stifling back a giggle.

“Of course!” Frank shouted as he embraced me in a hug while we were laughing into each other’s shoulder and covering it up by fake sobs.

“Will you guys please sit down? You’re so embarrassing, I can't take you anywhere.” Gerard said as he was pulling us back to the table like a peeved mother whilst we were still laughing our heads off.

“Sorry mommy.” Frank said as he jumped onto Gerard’s lap.

“Alright my slave, now get off of me!” Gerard said basically tipping Frank onto the floor.

“Hmph, how rude. Wow, I’ve never had an audience before.” Frank stated before taking a bite out of his all vegan lunch.

“I know, it was fun.” I said, tucking a piece of stray hair behind my ear.

“Well after that drama I’m in the mood for a horror film tonight.” Ray stated.

“Don’t we always watch those creepy horror movies anyway?” Mikey asked, pushing his glasses up closer to his eyes as they were nearly falling off of the end of his nose.

“Oh stop complaining, just because you're scared shitless of them.” Gerard said as he playfully ruffled Mikey’s hair.

“Shut up.” Mikey said, flattening down his hair as he started to blush.

“Don’t worry Mikes, I’m sure rain will comfort you, if you know what I mean.” Frank said, wriggling his eyes brows in a suggestive manor.

“Frank, if you haven't got anything non-perverted to say then don’t say anything at all.” I said, pretending to be his mother.

“Yes sir.” Frank said saluting me.

“Right you are soldier, at ease.” I said, saluting him back.

“You guys are weird.” Gerard said with an amused face.

“Oh you know you love us.” I said giving him a sideways hug.

“Yeah yeah.” Gerard said pulling back from the hug.

“Gerard way, that cut me deep.” I said, gripping my hand to my chest where my heart was.

“Don't start that again.” Gerard warned, sighing out of annoyance.

“Well we should get going to English, you coming Rain?” Mikey asked as him and Frank stood up from the lunch table.

“Sure.” I said picking up my messenger bag and catching up with the two of them, we walked into English class and sat down at the back.
♠ ♠ ♠
another chapter! YAY! xD
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