Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

To be or not to be, that is the question ...

“Hello class, today we are studying the annotations of Shakespeare’s play Macbeth.” the teacher started.

“One is not amused.” I murmured to Mikey and Frank, they stifled back giggles as the lesson began. I rested my head on my arms and eventually fell asleep and was then rudely awakened by Frank's elbow.

“Hmm, 5 more minutes.” I murmured still laying on my arms with my eyes tightly closed.

“Rain, get up, school’s over and we're leaving with or with out you.” Frank said as he kept poking me, that boy is starting to infuriate me.

“Alright alright, I’m up.” I said standing up and following them to Gerard’s car where Ray and Gerard were once again waiting patiently. The seating positions were the same as last time, and most of the journey I kept having the strange feeling that i was being watched again so eventually I looked around and caught Mikey’s eyes, he then looked away blushing and I felt really uncomfortable, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach, like a swarm of unruly butterflies were fluttering inside. As we turned into the drive way of the Way residence I noticed Mikey looking at me again so I started to blush. We all got out of the car and went down to the basement where we would watch the movie.

“What are we watching?” Frank asked as he collapsed onto a nearby beanbag.

“I dunno, what about Saw V?” Gerard suggested, Mikey just sighed and lay on the floor face down, he looked dead to the world but when Ray bought the popcorn in he jumped up and sat on the sofa next to me who just so happened to holding the popcorn bowl now.

“Okay, movie's starting, don't add your own sound effects and please, no smoking … except for me, I can smoke if I want to because it’s my damn house, now shush!” Gerard said before closing the curtains and pressing play on the DVD player. The movie was pretty good so far, Ray and Gerard had fallen asleep on the other sofa and Frank was still intently watching from the floor, I got scared halfway through and somehow grabbed onto Mikey instead of a cushion but he didn't seem to mind so I cuddled up closer to him. He started to stroke my hair softly and I felt the same familiar butterflies in the pit of my stomach, I looked up to face him and he was already looking down at me, we stared for sometime before his lips gently came crashing down onto my own, the kiss was filled with passion but it was so innocents at the same time, our lips moved in indefinite motion together until the whole room went black and the movie finished, we pulled apart from each other before Frank turned the lights on.

“And what have you been up to?” Frank asked suspiciously, we both went a deep crimson colour and I started to play with my fingers, Frank opened his mouth to comment on it but Mikey beat him to it.

“Oh save it for your online blog Iero.” Mikey said as he removed his arm from around my shoulders, I couldn't help but sigh when he did, was I really falling for him?
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sorry that its a bit short but you get the point, right? <333
keep commenting and subscribing you guys! love you all! xD