Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

Tell The truth If You Dare

“I’m bored!” Frank exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air and then collapsing back in his seat to add to the dramatic effect. We’d watched about 4 movies so far and none of us were tired yet.

“Well what do you want me to do about it?” Mikey asked, still sitting next to me on the sofa but his arm around my shoulders was long gone.

“Entertain me!” Frank said, exasperated.

“Aw I think its little Frankie’s bed time!” Gerard cooed at him, Frank shot him a death glare but was then suddenly lifted up by Gerard and was being carried bridal style out of the room.

“GeRARD! Put me down!” Frank whined and squirmed, still being carried by Gee.

“Oh its not trouble Frankie, you’re really light, almost fun sized.” Gee stated smirking.

“I am NOT fun sized! Now put me the FUCK down!” Frank shrieked, but he was still smiling.

“Fine! God, you’re such a baby.” Gee sighed exasperated as he finally let Frank down from his grasp, Frank immediately ran over to a corner in the room where he pretended to sulk, but I knew a way (not literally as in Gee or Mikey) to cheer him up.

“Hey Frank, I have skittles?” I tempted him, shaking the bag in my hand. His eyes instantly lit up and he was by my side in less than a second.

“You know I love you, Rain.” Frank tried to sweet talk me. I just rolled my eyes at him before tossing him the bag of skittles. He shrieked loudly and ripped open the bag, shoving skittles into his mouth as fast as he could, it was not a pretty sight.

“So what are we gonna do now?” Mikey asked.

“We could play a game?” Gerard suggested, we all looked interested so he continued “How about Truth or Dare?” so we all gathered into a small circle, Gerard went to fetch an empty vodka bottle from his room (he really needs to admit he was a bit of a problem with alcohol) and placed it in the middle of our formed circle before spinning it around. First it landed on Mikey.

“Truth or Dare, Mikes?” Gerard asked.




“Okay, Mikey, do you like Rain?” I felt myself blush at the sound of my name being brought into the situation.

“Of course I do, she’s like my best friend.” Mikey said awkwardly.

“That’s not what I meant.” Gerard said, annoyed.

“That’s not what you asked.” Mikey replied, smartly.

“Touché.” Gerard said. Mikey then spun the bottle where it landed on Frank.

“Truth or Dare, Frankie my boy?” Mikey asked.

“Dare.” Frank smirked. After a few seconds of thinking, Mikey opened his mouth to set the dare.

“I dare you to … go dry hump the lamp post outside.”

“Easy.” Frank said before getting to his feet and walking outside to where a lamp post was situated, lighting up part of the street. We all watched from the window in anticipation. First he wrapped his arms around the post and started to rub himself against it, we were all slightly giggling at the view. Then he began to grind and eventually hump the post, we were all pretty much laughing by now but then he wrapped his legs around the post and was basically dry fucking the lamp post. I was laughing so hard I was nearly crying and my sides were starting to ache. He eventually stopped and came back inside to sit back in the circle.

“You really shouldn’t under estimate me, Michael.” Frank said, much to the annoyance of Mikey.

“Yeah, I think you got a little too into it out there.” Ray commented, making the rest of us burst out into laughter once again. Frank then spun the bottle where it landed on me.

“Truth or Dare, Rain?” Frank asked, I contemplated playing it safe by choosing truth but where’s the fun in that.
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