Status: Completed!

I'd Encourage Your Smiles, I'll Expect You Won't Cry

The Green-Eyed Monster

Rain’s P.O.V

The following Monday at school I was sat in chemistry, trying to pay attention, but y’know, it is chemistry. Needless to say I got distracted very easily by a squirrel outside, I decided to call him squeakers. Eventually the bell rang, signalling that the class was over, and everyone filled out of the room. along with almost everyone else in the school, I made my way to the cafeteria and located our usual table. As I got closer I noticed that there was an extra person sitting with the guys, a girl, sitting next to Mikey. I watched as I walked, this girl apparently she made a joke and I saw grin at her whilst the others laughed. When I finally got there I took a seat opposite Mikey, in between Ray and Frank.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” I greeted them all. Since I was sat opposite Mikey I got a good view of this girl. She had long, golden brown hair that hung way past her shoulders, she wore some kind of band t-shirt along with a ruffled black skirt and fishnet tights, and her blue eyes and smile lit up her whole face. To say I was jealous of her would have been an under statement.

“Hey Rain. Wait-I don’t think you’ve met Shelby, have you?” Gerard asked.

“I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure.” I mumbled, barely audible.

“Hmm?” Gerard asked, clearly having not heard me before.

“Hey, I know you! You’re in my History class, you sit next to Frank and Mikey. I’m Shelby, I sit in front of Santa’s elf over there.” She said, gesturing to Frank. Even though I felt like hating her, she was already winning me over.

“Oh, yeah I remember, how come you haven’t been in class for the past week?” I asked, curiously. I realised that she was in fact in our class, she would always be the one arguing with the teacher, it was quite entertaining at times.

“Well, I got suspended for pulling the fire alarm, but it was his entire fault, he dared me!” she said, pointing to Gerard. I was still green with jealous, but I had to hand it to her, she definitely had a knack for making people feel welcomed. We spent the rest of lunch talking between our group, about half way through I was still occasionally glaring at Shelby (she was basically attached to Mikey) when Frank nudged me.

“Y’know, you shouldn’t be worried.” He said.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“About Shelby, you shouldn’t be worried, she just doesn’t understand the meaning of personal space.” He said, chuckling. “Besides, everyone knows that she’s got a thing for Ray.” I couldn’t help but blush at the fact of being caught, but I got over it eventually and Frank and I kept talking all through lunch until we finally had to go to our next class. I had Math with Mikey so I stood up to walk with him, but not before Frank could whisper in my ear “Go get yo’ man, girl!” in a feigned ghetto voice, making me giggle. I still didn’t understand how Frank could just bounce back and be so happy after every time Gerard screwed around with his feelings, we really needed to get those two together.

“Come on, Rain, we’ve got Maths, haven’t we?” Mikey asked me, I just nodded as we headed off in the general direction of our classroom.

“So, what do you think of Shelby?” he asked as we made our way through the crowded hallways.

“Erm, she seems … nice.” I said, with lack of anything better to say. I heard him chuckle from beside me.

“Yeah, she can be a bit overwhelming at times, but you get used to it.” He said as we reached our classroom, we went to walk in but not before Mikey leaned towards me and smirked before whispering “Oh, and you look really cute when you’re jealous.” I felt a blush creep up my neck and across my cheeks as I went to take my seat at the back next to him. Did he really mean that? He thinks I’m cute? Oh geez, I sound like a lovesick teenage girl!
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I'm SOOOO sorry that it took so long!
i'll give you cookies and pixie dust if you don't kill me? xD
oh, and the new character Shelby is based on Vermilion.
thanks for reading! xox