

The girl who could never get a valentine,Ellie. That girl was ugly. That girl was fat. That girl was friendless. That girl wanted to die.

I am Ellie, but no longer want to die. Thanks to Andy, a guy I had never talked to a day in my life before Valentines day. I now know I am not ugly. I am, "beautifully unique." I am not fat, but, "just not anorexic or bulimic like celebrities."

Andy gave me hope towards people. He gave me a reason to, "not let people die inside for me dying."

He simply did this by being my Valentine, my first. Every Valentine, he would bring a dozen roses to school and be twelve lucky girls Valentine`s, that didn`t have any.
I have wrote that in my diary when I was just 17. I am now a school counselor, to help teens, and anyone else I can, thanks to Andy. I now have two kids and a husband, thanks to Andy. Andy kept me alive and inspired me, else wise none of this would be possible. Andy proposed to me at the age of 19, I said yes. Andy is my husband.