Yellow Flowers


Anna walked up to me, smiling. She always smiled. Her smile made me feel warm, and I couldn't help, but smile back.

"What are you wearing for prom?" She had asked. I shrugged, she knew I really didn't want to go.

"Did you find a yellow dress?" I asked.

She frowned, meaning she hadn't. She had wanted to wear yellow because she liked wearing colors that fit her. Bright. Like her personality.

Anna was this beautiful girl. My cousin. She had long wavy brown hair that fit her face perfectly. That's what all the guys loved. She had beautiful purple contacts. That's what distracted everyone. She had a great personality. That's what everyone misses. A week from today, which is my prom, she died. She was driving and a drunk driver hit her, killing her.

I wanted to get yellow flowers to plant in her memory. But I couldn't find any. So I planted pink ones. Well, they got frosted by the winter, and grew back yellow. Anna, if that is your way of saying you miss me, I miss you too.