First Love... First Error

First Time

Once upon a time... there was this boy, who nobody knew he existed, this boy, living in the real world, was some kind of a forgotten child and never had a loving family. One day, he was observing people use a "computer", he was poor and have no money to buy one, and saw this girl. She was cute as a flower... soft as a pillow. The boy never had felt so much greatness on that we call heart... since it was his first time; he decides to call it "love." The boy, runs to the other kid and ask him who that strange girl was? The kid says "oh the crazy one? She’s just a friend of my girlfriend." The boy, lost in those words, ask the kid to explain what was that he felt when he saw the girl, the kid starts explaining all he know about that feeling. The boy, amazed by that, starts crying and runs away. The kid scared, tries to catch him, but he vanish. The boy runs to his home, just thinking in what was the matter with him, he was poor and had no friends, had merely a home and no family, the girl he saw, the angel he saw will never get an eye on him.

After a week or two, this strange girl goes to the boys house -knocks the door- hey! Is someone here? The boy goes and opens the door, and there she was, the cute girl he saw, just like a guarding angel fallen from the sky. The girl starts talking to him, but the boy lost in her eyes doesn’t pay any attention. The girl snaps her fingers trying to get the boy back, the boy, lost in her eyes, says a phrase "wow, you’re so pretty." The girl starts laughing and stops saying things. The boy, after he said that, panics and lost control of himself. The girl calms him down and asks his name. M-m-m-m-m-m-my name? -He said- my name is... Ryan. Hi, my name is Yam... nice to meet you. The boy, lost, start gagging and the girl laughing says "you’re cute, how about I invite you to the movies?" The boys say no, because he doesn’t got money or even clothes. The girl takes him away and goes to the nearest movie theater and buys some tickets. The boy, wanting to give her even just a kiss to see how the sky tastes, doesn’t even look at her. -They enter the movie- After half a movie, the girl looks at the boy, and kisses him on the cheek. The boy giggles and says "thanks, thanks to you, now I know what the word love is, what is beautiful in life, and that I don’t have to have money or even good clothes to feel that way, I only need feelings, those who teaches us to know who to love..." The girl, with a tear in her face, looks at the boy and says "no matter what, i don’t want to lose you." The boy, looking at her eyes says "for the first time in my life, I’m poor, but I have the best thing that’s more valuable than money, your heart and your love." -The boys slowly approximates her lips- The boy didn’t know if that’s was the right thing to do, but he did it, and the girl follow him.

Ever since that day, the boy starts going to see the girl every Thursday of the week. The boy starts to know her every single week he goes to see her, starts knowing what she likes, dislike, food, entertaining, in fact everything. One day, meanwhile walking to her house, he stare at the floor and see $20, he rapidly grabs the money and start thinking in what he should do with it. The boy, passing a doll stores, sees a black and white doll that he thinks the girl would like and says “maybe, with this I can help myself to ask her to be my girlfriend. Then, he goes to the girl house, but in Tuesday, day 20, October 2009. The boy, hiding the doll in his back, looks her at her eyes, shaking like it freezing, and says meanwhile showing the doll “would you be my girlfriend?” The girl starts thinking and looking other place and says “seriously?” The boy says yes, and the girl then accepts to be his girlfriend. Since that day, the girl and the boy had live happily ever after...

But as they say, each story has its beginning and its end…

After 6 months and 2 days of being together, that day the boy had some problems, some internal problems, and instead of going and releasing it on another place, he goes directly to his girlfriend. After all that, the girl starts crying, and the boy snaps out of the confusion, and tries to comfort her. The boy, seeing that the girl didn’t want to be comfort from him, goes out; he doesn’t come back for one, two, three, four day... The girl, seeing that’s so strange, goes and looks for the boy. When she opens the door, the boy was waiting for her to come out of the room. The boy kneeling on the floor, grabs her hand and says "I had gone out to find out if there was really a prince charming that could be perfect, I’ve searched all the town, and after 4 days, I found out something... that there’s is not one in the world" The girl, lost in the conversation says "but what r u talking about?" The boy, crying, says " I’m really sorry, I never wanted you to see me like that the other day, I’ve made a mistake, and I’ve learned from it, I’m not a prince charming, or anything that could be like that, but I’m the only one, the only person who can love you like nothing else in this damn world..." The girl, thinking on a quick decision, loses his hand. The boys hand falls into the floor. The boy, thinking that her decision was, never to be with him no more, he stood up, and leaved, but when he starts to leave, the girl grabs him by the shoulder, it turns him around and give him a hug, and says "you’re not even close to the word perfect, but you’re my imperfect boy." The boy starts crying and hugs her so hard that’s he’s sure he’s not going to lose her. The boy then kisses her at the cheek and says "thanks for all your love... now I’m richer than the richest guy in the universe...” After that, the boy and the girl lived again happily ever after...

The End?
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