Dear book, I miss him.

The Book

They tell me love when your a teenager is just a phase, but I wonder if it will ever go away. In those countless hours in the physciatrists office I ask why it hasn't and he just says," its all part of it, don't worry, it'll go away soon enough." Robert says that all the time, he's my therapist and a complete idiot. He's always says the same thing. It would be really nice if he actually cared but since I'm the last patient of the day he usually doesn't really want to use his effort in my teenage love problems.
I don't think I introduced myself, my name is Michael James Way but everyone calls me Mikey. Robert told me to start writing in this book. He says it'll help me so here I am, alone in my room writing in it. Truly, I don't know what to write. Yes, I must admit that a lot has happened in the last couple months but I just don't know how to start. Am I supposed to say why I'm attending the therapist first or what happened in the beginning?
I'm clueless but I guess I'll start with how I met Frank. Even writing his name makes me fustrated and I just want to throw this book against the wall. Everything I am now is due to Frank. Of course it wasn't his fault. He never did anything wrong but what happened to him affected me in every way possible and I think about what happened every single day. Maybe Roberts right, this book might help and I need to tell someone what really happened with Frank.
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Well, I have ideas for this, if anyone thinks I should continue then please comment. It'll tell me that people do like it:) Thank you.