Dear book, I miss him.

The Hill

Meeting Frank was probably one of the best things that ever happened to me. He made me happy. Shortly after the first day I met him we became inseparable. We would go to the mall, the movie, the bookstores, anywhere you could possibly go to. Obviously I started liking him immediately, but was he gay? Bi? I didn't know that. Ray wouldn't tell me what he was, just that I should get to know him.

*The Hill* Two months after meeting.


"Yeah Frank?"

"Would you look for me if someone kidnapped me?"

I looked at him confused.

"Uhm....yeah Frank, I guess I would. Why are you asking?"

"No reason, for how long would you look?" Frank asked,
his eyes just looking at the clouds.

I kept looking at him, wondering why he was asking me this. Frank was always saying and asking random things. It wasn't really unusual that he was asking such a random thing but it was a little strange. I guess I should just go with this one too.

"Until I found you." I said.

"Would you really Mikey. Look for me until you did?"

"Yes, I would."

"Could you promise it?"

"Yes I promise Frank..."

I started getting uncomfortable about how this sounded. His voice was so monotone and
he wasn't really explaining things. Frank was just laying a couple feet away from me staring
at the clouds still. We were in a hill just laying down talking and listening to Frank's radio until he finally asked that question. This was the only serious moment we'd had the whole time here. Why would he ask that? Maybe it was really serious and I should question him about it. This couldn't really be the usual random Frank,could it? And what if it was real serious? A few minutes passed with only the sound of cars in the nearby freeway and the sound of birds flying past.

"Mikey!" Frank shouted suddenly.

I got up quickly looking for Frank around the hill but as soon as I did I was greeted by a patch of grass thrown into my face. I doubled back and fell on my back startled by it.

Frank ran around me and stood over me laughing hysterically.

"Oh my god Mikey! Your face was so.......priceless...if only you had seen...."

"You little fucking dork! You better watch yourself closely because I will cut you!" I yelled at him laughing.

I hit the back of his knee and made him fall to the ground. I lifted myself up and put my arm over his chest and quickly got a quick flower and put it on his neck.

"See,whose face is priceless now!" I said with a huge grin on my face.

He just rolled his eyes and made a pouty face.

"What you gonna do Mikey? Shank me to death with that vicious flower?" Frank said mockingly.

I threw the flower and laid back on the ground laughing.

*End of memory*

Tears are filling my eyes because of having to think of Frank again. How the hell am I supposed to write about him in here? When even the simplest memories bring me to tears. I mean, do you really care Robert? My "therapist." You usually never care and your just going to skim right through this and be thinking, " What faggots..." Well fuck you too! Why would they want me to write in this stupid book anyways? What's that going to do huh? Nothing. Whatever. Frank was damn amazing. And I just want him back with me... Goodnight Book.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in months!
I know its been so long :( I promise I'll upload soon now and I'll keep trying my best!
I hope you guys still like it :)
Song of the chapter: Crazy For You -Adele