Head to Toe you Know She's Dressed to Kill

Head to Toe you Know She's Dressed to Kill ( John O'callaghan one shot)

Ale's P.O.V

March fourth wasn't just any ordinary day. It was the day I was brought into the world. Today is my birthday if you haven't already guessed. Tonight my boyfriend is taking me out to dinner.

I plugged in my hair straightner, waiting for it to heat up. It finally reached the right temperature. The plates gently caressed my hair, turning my soft waves intolong strings. I slipped my long slender body into a black mini dress andthrew a pair of strapy heels on.

Then I headed out towards my car anddrove away.I pulled up to the restaurant, in hopes that Bill would be waiting for me inside. But he wasn't in there. So I decided to get seated anyway. Maybe he was running late? I just hope he shows up soon, I'm starving.

"Are you ready to order?" the waitress asked

"Could you come back in a few minutes? I'm just waiting on someone"

"Listen hun, he better be quickor I'll have to kick you out" she rolled her eyes and walked away

"No tip for her"I chuckled to myself

Minutes passed and the waitress came back.

"He's not here" she growled

"Give him a few more minutes" I begged

"No, now get out" she shouted

"Any minute now he'll walk throughthe door"

"He's not-"

A man with dark brown hair and sunglasses covering his face interupetted her.

"Sorry I'm late babe"

he sat down across from me. But this was not my boyfriend. Why was he sitting with me? Or maybe it was Bill andI'm just losing my eye site.

"Uhm.." I stuttered

"Do you mind leaving us alone" he asked

"Sure why not as if you two haven't wasted enough of my time" she stormed outta the room

"Am I losing my eyesite or are you not my boyfriend?" I asked

he chuckled abite before answering the question.

"Your not losing your eye site, and only if you don't want me to be your boyfriend" he joked

"Then why the hell are you sitting with me?" I yelled

"I couldn't help but over hear the waitress yelling at you. So I thought I'd help you out abite" he explained

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing here by yourself?"

"Nice try but your not getting into my pants" I said

"No I'm being serious I really wanna know" he pleaded

"Well I pretty much got stood up by the boyfriend on my birthday"

"Great birthday, huh?" he laughed

"Since both of us are here, alone. What do you say we have dinner?" he said

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"So stranger what's your name?" I asked

"They call me John" he smiled flipping through the menu

"Well, John I'm Alexis. But feel free to call me whatever the fuck you want"

Just when I was about to talk, his phone went off.

"What the hell do you want Jared" he yelled into the phone

"I'm in the middle of something important, bye" he shut his cellphone

"I'mimportant. Ehh?" I asked

"Oh...uhm..of course not, were just two strangers having dinner"

"Speaking of dinner where's our waitress"

All the sudden she poped up outta nowhere. It's like she heard us talking about her.

"Are you read to order" she plastered a fake smile on her face

I was gonna say no to piss her off. But then she would've spit in our food.

"I think I'll have a cheese burger and a pepsi" I smiled

"Your in a fancy restaurant and decide to order that garbage" she snarled

"I think I'm gonna order that too" John grinned

She dissapered mumbling something to herself.

"Take your sun glasses off I wanna see your pretty eyes"

"I can't" he said

"I'll take them off for you then" I reached over the table.

But then he got up, I quickly jumped ontop of him pinning him to the ground.

"And you told me I'm not getting in your pants" he chuckled

Ignoring his remark I tore the glasses off revealing hazel eyes.

"Jesus motherof flapjack"I shouted

"Your-" I paused

"Don't say it" he said

"John from The Maine" I whispered

Holy fucking shit this is impossible. I'm eating dinner with my celebrity crush. This is one to tell the grand kids.

"Earth to Alexis are you gonna help me up"

"Right, sorry" Chills were sent up my spine as my hand interwined with his

He started rambling on about how much he hates the waitress. But I was so wrapped up in him that I wasn't comprehendinga single word.

"I have the biggest crush on you" I blurted out by mistake

An akward silence filled the room. Wait to go Ale you fucking ruined it like always. Can't you just learn how to keep your big fat mouth shut.

"That's too bad" he started

My heart sunk

He got up from his seat and started towards me. All the sudden his lips were pressed aganist mine,then he pulled away.

"What was that for"I giggled

"I like you alot too" he grinned

"Happy birthday Alexis"
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah that was a cute little one shot. Happy belated birthday Ale. I know it's not super amazing but one shots ain't my specialty. I know its uber short, but I didn't wanna make it extremly long ya kno:)