Status: It's complete! Happy Birthday Kris! <3

This Is My Best Birthday by Far


Today April 24, 2010 is on of the best days of the year! Why might that be? Well it just so happens to be, Kristopher Letang's birthday! Okay, so maybe to you it's not that big of a deal, but to me it is.

Kris and I weren't considered to be best friends, but good friends most definatly. Kris and I met about five months ago and we've kept in touch. Kris oh he's such a great guy. He's sweet, funny, nice, caring and cute. Did I mention he has a very sexy french-Canadian accent? I also enjoy spending time with him. He always knows what to say to me and when to say it.

I was now at the game and hoping they would win. I want them to win for three reasons. One: they're my team and I hate seem them lose. Two: If they win tonight, they win the sreirs and they send the Senators off to the nearest golf course. Third: It's Kris' birthday and I would love to win on his twenty third birthday.

I had planned a cute little thing for Kris. You see Kris actually bought me a ticket so I could come to this game and watch it. I did tell him he was crazy and that the cost was too much. He told me that he really wanted me there on his birthday and that it was the least he could do, for a girl like me. What he meant by that, I have no fucking idea. I guess that doesn't really matter though, what matters is that I'm here. Also he is letting me stay in his hotel room. Yes in the same bed sheesh. I found it pretty hilarious that we had to sign in as a married couple. We decided to sign in as: Mr. and Mrs. Brimstone. Don't ask, we just came up with it at the last second. Anyway back to my plan. I had decided to decorate Kris' room with a bunch of birthday stuff. I put balloons all over the room and banners and I also wrote him a note. I bought him a gift as well. Wanna know what it is? Well okay, stop begging. I bought him a really nice watch. Sure Kris has plenty of watches but I really liked this one. I also bought him five ties. I would hope that it would bring him good luck. Also part of the plan was to have Kris come up to the room alone. You see the letter was something I wanted him to read when it was just him and I. In that letter it is about me telling Kris my true feelings for him.

Okay yes, I love Kris as more then just a good friend. I have loved him for about a month or two now. So I thought that today would be a good day to let him know.

"Woo!" The penguins fan began to cheer as they managed to take it into overtime.

This overtime period was going to be a very intense one to say the least.
Even though I was watching the game here, I loved to have the announcing going on as well! So I was kind of connected to a station that would broadcast it, kind of like the live hockey radio type thing.

Oh my god, Kris has the puck he has the puck! I yelled in my head.

"Kris fakes a left, passes it to Staal. Staal makes a short handed pass to Crosby. Crosby makes a nice long and smooth pass back to Letang. Letang gets the puck on the perfect angle. He begins to take off. Oh Letang is now on a breakaway. He's got great speed that is being built. This is the perfect place for him to be in. Kris takes the shot! He shoots he scores! The penguins have now won it in overtime, and they're won the quater final round. Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Penguins." The announcer said.

I jumped right out of my seat and yelled at the top of my lungs. I have never been so excited before. They won! They did it, and Kris is the one who scored the winning goal. This would just make our 'celebration' better. Now we have more to celebrate and be happy about. Although in all honesty, I wonder how far out celebration will go.
I was now up and in the room, sitting down on the amazing bed. I was waiting for Kris to come up and join me. I really hope he comes up here and alone too.

"Hello Annabela?" He calls as he walks in.

"I'm on the bed Kris." I say.

He walked over and when he came in I was left breathless. He has just showered I could tell his hair was still wet. Also his body was dripping a little and he smelt really damn good.

"Wow, Annabela what is all this decor?" He asks.

"Happy birthday Kris!" I yell

"Oh thank you Annabela!" He say.

"Here I uh bought you something." I say.

"You know you didn't have to." He says,

"Oh I know that, I just wanted to." I say.

Did I forget to mention that I bought him a box of chocolates and a teddy bear? What, Kris is a total softie. He came to sit next to me on the bed and I handed him the gift. I really hoped he would like it.

His jaw seem to drop when he saw the watch.

"No way Annabela you didn't buy the watch?" He asked in disbelif.

"Yea I did you deserved it. You know there's more to the gift right?" I asked.

"There is? Girl you're nutz." He says.

"I can't help myself." I say with a giggle.

"Holy shit five ties, they're amazing. Jeez chocolates, we're sharing these. Awe you bought
me a happy birthday bear thank you." He say.

"You're welcome Kris, oh and I have a letter for you." I say.

"You do?" He asks.

"Yea I do, do you want it now?" I ask.

"Yes yes of course. What's it about?" He questions

"Read it and you'll find out." I say


Dear Kris,
How should I start this letter? There are so many possiblities. I could just get straight to the point, or I can take a longer route. I really don't know, how I should though. I'm not sure if you're that much of a reader. Anyway I need to stop blabbing on and on about nothing. Sheesh. How about I start it like this: Happy 23rd bithday Kristopher. I honestly hope you have a great time on your birthday. I know there's a game on it, I'm excited to see you play. I was going to watch it on TV and call you after it, but since you paid me a ticket I get to see it live and cheer you on and see you after it. Kris you're great! It's as simple as that. When you call me and we spend hours on the phone -when you have the time that is- I love it. It's so much fun, you listen to me and I listen to you. And we just talk as if there's nothing else going on in our lives. You're always there for me when I need you and even when I don't need you you're there. You make my day brighter. You know how to make me smile and laugh when I'm down. I'm so glad we met five months ago. You're honestly such a good friend to me, that sometimes I wonder if you're too good to me. Kris you're gonna make a girl very happy someday and I hope it's me. You see this little letter is my way of admiting something of importance to you. I hope you don't laugh at what I'm about to say. Kris for these past two months now that we've been getting closer, I realized something I hadn't before. I love you. I really and truly love you with everything in me. I hope you love me too Kris. If you don't though we'll still be good friends. So no matter what your answer will be, I'll still be here for you.
Love Annabela xoxoxoxo!

I have to admit I am a little worried as to what he is going to say about the letter. I mean he might not love me back.

He gently put the letter down on the bed next to him. He took his hands and put one on each side of my face and he looked right into my eyes. He then leans in and kisses me. Holy fuck Kris just kissed me!

"Guess what?! I love you too Annabela." He says softly in my ear.

"Really Kris?" I ask.

"Yea really, I've loved you since I laid eyes on you." He says.

"Oh Kris,"

He leans in and kisses me again. His lips are so soft and they feel so amazing against mine.

"So Kris how are we going to celebrate?" I ask with a hint of seduction.

"Oh I think you know, Annabela." He purrs.

I think I did have a pretty good ieda on how we would celebrate today's events. I knew that it was going to be something I wold enjoy that's for sure.

"Annabela thank you." He says softly.

"For what?" I ask.

"For working there late at night, at that cafe." He says.

"It was my pleasure. To think it wasn't even suppose to be me there." I say.

"Well thank the lord it was. I met an amazing girl that night." He says.

Our lips meet one more time and I know that these are the only lips that I want to kiss. I do not want to kiss anyone else because no one can kiss as amazing as Kris can.

"My best birthday ever, by far." He says softly.

"That's what I was aiming for." I say.

And yup you guessed his lips come crashing down on mine once again.
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I hope you like it! :) Happy Birthday Kris! :D


1st Tie

The Other four Ties

Teddy Bear