New in Town

Chapter 4

“I just wanted to thank you again, and here’s the money” I smiled at the man. I handed him the envelope, and he looked inside to see if the money was all there. In fact, there was too much money.
“Ma’am” he started. “I can’t take all of this, it’s way too much money.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, take the money. I appreciate everything you have done for me and my grandmother.” Little did this man know, I saw everything. He was having a little trouble at home with money. His daughters birthday was coming up and he wanted to get her something extra special. It warmed my heart knowing that I helped someone.

I waved to him as he drove down the driveway. I turned toward my house, preparing myself for work I had a head of me. Going through box after box, I finally emptied them all. The house was finally perfect, all my photos put in place. Stacking all the boxes in the corner my phone went off. Without even looking I answered it.
“Hi grams.”
“Hello dear! How is everything? Settling into the house well?” I shook my head and smiled, she worries way to much about me.
“Yes, everything is perfect. The truck came today and I already have everything unload and put into place” I answered. Talking to my grandmother I started to walk around the kitchen and prepare myself supper.
“Well dear, you remember that surprise I was telling you about?” she asked. “The one I told you my friend was making just for you. Well its all ready and coming your way. It should be there in a week or so. OH! You’re going to love this surprise so much!”
“You have already done enough for me, how am I ever going to pay you back?” It sadden me to think how much she gave up for me. To this day she still constantly is finding ways to help me in some way or another.
“Hayden you know I wouldn’t have it any other way. I chose this life for you, and you can repay me by getting them back. Peace will come eventually my dear.”
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WOW its been a long time, hopefully there are some people still out there that may be interested in reading my story.