No one knew untill...

Chapter Two

Mikey's P.O.V
"Ring, Ring Ring, Ring, Ring Ring!"
"Hey is Gerard there please?"

Gerard's P.O.V
What the hell does Mikey want now?!
"Hey, can I come over?"
"Oh why not it's not like you don't live here is now Frankie?"
"Well... If you're going to be mean I'm not coming!"
"I'm sorry"
"Tis alright"
"Kay I got to go"
"Bye cya later"

What does Frank wanna come over for? Oh well.
"Mikey! Frank's coming over!
"Ok, I'm going to Alicia's so I will see you later!"
"Kay don't get too excited!"
"Okay fine i won't"

Yes! Mikey's gone. Finally! I have to go get ready!

30 minutes pass...

"Knock Knock, Hello? Gerard!"
"I'm in the shower, come on up!"

Ray's P.O.V
"Mama, can I go over to Gerard's? I need to give him his stuff back."
"Okay, but don't be too long"
Hmm... where are my keys? Oh they're in the car.
The short drive over there doesn't take too long maybe I will just stop at the Dairy to get some beer and tell Mama that I'm staying the night.