A Two-Way Net

In a future where a certain portion of the population has shunned physical contact for the more truthful world of direct mental communication, the cybernet is a bustling utopia for some.

Into this setting falls a man named Jonathon Hartman and a woman of unknown origin and unknown attributes. Regardless of name, rank, position, occupation, or any physical factor, Jonathan realizes in fairly short order that he's very taken with this woman, and decides to pursue into the physical world, and idea with she foretells to be doomed and to end interaction between them.

Will she be right, or can such a clichéd term as true love conquer any physical boundary, and become a meeting of the minds?

Find out, inside...

A short story, inspired in part by David Brin's Uplift books. You'll know how once you've read it,
  1. A Two-Way Net
    When searching for someone else, always be aware that someone else may be searching for you.