Status: still writing.

Scarlett Red

Welcome To My Story

What was I doing? I was walking away from possibly the best thing that could ever happen to me in my life.

Hi. I'm Scarlett. I am a 15 year old female, currently living in the southern part of Western Australia, moving here from South Australia when I was just 6 months old. My mum left my dad, and took me with her. My mum and dad were together for about a year before my mum fell pregnant with me. When she told my dad she was pregnant, he promised to be a good father to his child. He was an alcoholic, coming home from work every night drunk and my mum was the one to suffer. When I was born, my dad drunk more than usual, because of the stress. He came home one night, he had had one drink too many and he struck my mum. She'd had enough. She promised herself to give her baby the best life she could and decided to leave her life behind and start a whole new one. So, we left with nothing but ourselves and a few belongings. We drove for days and ended up in the town of Rockingham, Western Australia. And, we've been here ever since. He, for all I know, still lives in South Australia. I don't hear from him at all, but I don't miss him, seeing as I only knew him for the first 6 months of my life. Mum is all I need.

I have no friends at school, that was, until I met Angela. Everything transformed. She lit up my world the moment I saw her. I didn't know why, and I still don't. Welcome to my story.