Status: Trying to post the chapter soon; sorry for the long wait :(

Welcome To My Life

My mother slaps me across the face, wedding ring making the side of my face bleed. I fall to the floor while holding my face, crying even harder then I was before.

My father comes and kicks me in the stomach, "You stupid bitch! You were a mistake! I wish it was you that died instead of Jeydon!"

My face turns to horror at the sound of his name and I run up to my room.


My dead brother.

He would have never let them get this far. He was the only one in this derranged family that loved me. The only reason why I'm not an orphan.

My parents always hated me. Always screamed at me for no reason. They never use to hit me though.

Jeydon wouldn't let them.

They loved him so much. Enrolled him in the best sports, spoiled him, simply did anything that he wanted them to.

Which is why they kept me.

My brother died a few months ago, only at the age of 19. He was in his first year of University and had his whole life planned ahead of him.

Unlike my seventeen year old self who goes with the flow and lets everything fall into place.

Maybe that's why my life isn't the greatest...

Sure I have a best friend, Sam, who happens to be one of the most important people in my life since my brother's death. I also have a few friends; Alec, Tasha, Danny, and Jayce.

Jayce is kind of special. We've been going out for a year now and he is a great asset in my life. He holds me when I need to cry, gives me a place to stay when I can't stand it inside my own home, and is pretty much 100 percent there for me at all times. I love him.

I run to my friends when my troubles get too rough and I need someone to lean on.

Which happens to be frequently nowadays.

At school we are what you would call the "Emo Badasses". I don't get why though. Sure we are in the principal's office the most (we each have our own chair with how much we are in there) and sure we dress emo, but we don't cut ourselves and mope around like losers all day.

We're actually pretty cool if you take the time to get to know us.

We help eachother when in need and they are the only family that I have left because I never really counted my parents as family.

Family doesn't abuse eachother.

I'm one of those kids that pretend that there life is fine in public when really it eats me up inside. One of those kids that take it out on other people because of the problems in my life.

My life can be the greatest at times and the worst at others. It's pretty complicated to explain.

So welcome to my life.

*WARNING~ Story WILL Contain "Mature" Content So Please Be Aware Of That*