Status: Active...

I'm Just Going to Act Like I Know What This Is

Goodbyes Are Always Hard

Andrea stood facing Alex. Their eyes were locked together as they stared at each other. The both of them weren’t sure what to say right at the moment. They both knew what was happening, but at the same time neither wanted it to happen. Andrea’s heart was beating so hard in her chest she through Alex could hear it.

Alex bit his lip and tore his eyes away from her and looked down at their feet. He lets his thumbs gaze across the top of her hands as he held them gently between his. He didn’t want to let go of her as much as she didn’t want to let go of him.

Alex let out a deep breath and looked back up at her and closed his eyes. Andrea leaned her head forward a little and placed her forehead against Alex’s. Alex let her hands go and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly. Andrea wrapped her arms around him too and closed her eyes to keep the brimming tears back.

They both stood there silently like that for a long time standing in the middle of Andrea’s house. They didn’t want this to happen, but at this time it had to.

“I’m sorry.” Alex whispered opening his eyes.

Andrea didn’t know what to say. Feeling Alex eyes on her she opened her eyes again too. She could see the hurt and sadness in his eyes. She knew he could see that in hers too. Her heart ached seeing that in his eyes.

“I’m sorry too.” She whispered after a while.

Alex still locked in her eyes said nothing as he moved one of his arms from around her and placed it on her cheek. It was only then did she know that he did that to wipe a stray tear away that had fallen.

“I wish there was another way, but at the moment there isn’t.” Alex said sadly.

Andrea nodded her head making her nose brush against Alex’s. Normally that would make her giggle but she was too upset to even smile. Same went for Alex.

“We’ll keep in contact right? For the whole time?” He asked unsure.
“Of course.” She nodded again. “For as long as you want to.”
“I’ll never want to lose contact with you.” He said honestly smiling slightly.

Andrea could tell he said the truth; eyes can never lie. She smiled back slightly as well, for a moment the ache went away knowing that even though they had to do this now for personal reasons, they would still keep in contact anyway possible. At the moment that was the only thing keeping her hope alive.

They both knew this day was coming and regretted it. Things were just too hard for them to be together as a couple at the moment; they both knew they wouldn’t make it well if they were together. But they know they would as ‘friends’. So for the next 3 months they we’re breaking up from being a couple as the band went on a long tour and recording session and Andrea went and had her lengthily operations on her knees. Andrea would be home or in the hospital for almost the whole time; Alex would hardly be there at all and be in other states.

Most people would say that breaking up, or more likely in this case; take time from being in a relationship with each other was stupid and they should keep going seeing as they were head over heels for each other.

But Alex and Andrea had talked about it for a long time. They both agreed and figured at the moment this was the best way. It made sense to them and to them that’s all that matters.

Alex smiled a bit more seeing her smile and moved to let his lips brush against hers. She kissed him back before they both pulled away.

“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Andrea smiled.

She could help but smile every time Alex said that to her. It made her heart jump in joy. Little did she know it did that to Alex too.

The sound of the bus stopping in front of Andrea’s house caught their attention and they both could see it no problem from the large front window of the house which was just a meter from them. Alex knew as the guys got out the bus they could see them too. He knew he was right when Jack beamed at them and waved his hands over his head. Andrea chuckled and waved back at him.

Alex sighed and let go of her to grab his large bag from the ground. Once he knew he had a good hold on it he mentally went through his mind to make sure he had everything. Once he was sure he wrapped his free arm around her waist and started heading for the front door. Andrea walked slightly limping and slowly beside him and out the front door which Zack had just opened.

They met the rest of the guys on the front veranda of her house. Alex let her lean against him. The guys looked at them sadly; they knew what the lovers were going to do and everything on their situation.

“So, um...” Rian mumbled. “All packed?” He asked unsure if he wanted to ask that.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” Alex sighed.

To say it wasn’t awkward would be a lie right at this moment. Goodbyes were never easy.

“I hope you all have fun on the tour, you all will keep me updated right?” Andrea asked.
“Of course! I’ll text you 24-7 if I have to.” Jack smiled trying to ease the tension.

Andrea nodded smiling. In her mind she was staying positive, she always was a positive person and looked to the bright side of things. Right now she was thinking of all the fun times they could and would have on tour.

“I want pictures too.” She chuckled.
“All over it.” Matt, the bands tour manager said. “I got myself a new camera, so expect pictures of
everything.” He smirked.

Andrea let go of Alex as Matt hugged her. She hugged him back tightly before letting go of him. Alex quickly leaped off the veranda and ran to the bus suddenly causing Jack to look at him confused. Alex dumped his bag by the bus door and jogged back to the group but not before wiping his eye. He knew if Andrea saw that she would start crying and he really didn’t want that.

He walked back and stood next to her like if he didn’t even move taking a deep breath. Andrea gave him a confused look but shrugged it off. Jack raised an eyebrow but also shrugged it off; he made a mental note to ask later.

“Come on I want hugs from everyone.” Andrea smiled when no one else moved after Matt pulled away.

Rian laughed and gave her a quick hug before moving back. Zack went to hug her but Jack pushed him out the way and wrapped her in a huge bear hug making her laugh. Alex smiled watching them and as Jack lifted her off the ground.

“I’ll miss you limpy!” Jack exclaimed.

Andrea hit his arm for the nickname she hated but laughed anyway as Jack placed her feet back on the ground very, very carefully. Once she was sure her bad knees was going to hold her she let go of Jack.

“I’ll miss you too Jack Attack.”

Jack beamed at her and jumped back gesturing for Zack to now take his turn. He laughed and hugged Andrea gently. She smiled hugging him back.

“Can you keep an eye on Alex for me?” She whispered in his ear.

She knew that Zack would look out for Alex for her. He was always the protective one in the group and that she could trust him to do so with Alex noticing much.

“Of course. Miss you.” He whispered back.

Zack pulled back and took a step away from her.

“We’ll miss ya, good luck with your ops.” Rian said.
“I’ll miss you guys too and thanks.” Andrea said.

The guys smiled and started heading over to the bus letting Alex say his goodbye to her. When the guys were standing outside the bus Alex turned to face her. He stood forward and wrapped her in a tight hug. She wasted no time in hugging him back.

“I’ll miss you babe.” Alex sighed placing his face into her soft hair.
“I’ll miss you too hun.” She whispered.

Alex moved back and cupped her face in his hands before crushing his lips on hers. She kissed him back knowing this would be their last kiss for a long time. Neither pulled away till their chest started burning for air. Alex pulled back and they both breathe heavily. It took them a good moment before they could speak again.

“Good luck, I wish I was going to be there for you for the operations.” Alex said softly.
“Thank you, I wish you could be there too.” Andrea said sadly. “Love you.”
“I love you too.” Alex said pulling her into his arms again. “I’ll come see you when I can.”

Andrea nods her head and Alex pulled away from her. She took the opportunity to kiss his cheek which made him smile and in turn made her smile too. Alex gave her a sad smile and after hesitating for a moment. He turned and started walking to the bus. Andrea’s eyes didn’t leave him even then they went blurry from tears. In the back of her mind she was happy she could keep them at bay until now, she didn’t want Alex to see them knowing it would upset him.

Alex got to the bus and the guys smiled sadly at him before entering the bus waving back at Andrea who was still on the veranda of the house leaning against the railing. Jack patted his shoulder before hopping into the bus. Alex grabbed his bag and got onto the first step of the bus. He turned and looked at her.

Andrea waved at him and watched him wave back before slowly closing the door. After a moment the bus started and the horn blasted making her laugh. She waved at the bus as it started moving and about 3 arms poked out one of the windows to wave back at her. She smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek and the bus started disappearing down the street.

Once it was right out of her sight she let the smiled drop and the tears fall heavily. She turned slowly and stumbled back into the house holding the wall like usual as she closed the door. She limped her way back into the living room and sat down on the closest chair while wiping her tears away.

She knew the next few months we’re going to be hard, even harder without Alex but she had hope in the end everything would turn out alright.

The beeping of her phone seemed to agree with her as she got a text message from Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story :D
I wasn't going to post this yet but I thought 'why wait?'

I'm still not sure to continue this story, so if you want me to then comment and I will. :)
Comments make me smile too, so be nice and make me smile?