Status: Active...

I'm Just Going to Act Like I Know What This Is

I’ll Make You Proud.

The walking frame made a clicking noise against the tiled floor of the hospital as Andrea shuffled slowly forward with her sister and nurse on either side of her ready to catch Andrea if needed to.

It has been 3 weeks since the guys left on tour and 5 days since Andrea has been in hospital and had her knee operations. At least once a day (not including the 3 days during and after the operations) Alex or one of the guys from the band would call her and update her on everything that had happened like they said they would. And she did the same back, not that apart from being in the hospital much has happened. But Andrea knew that Alex and the guys wanted to know how she was, what she was doing, how she was coping, how she was managing; everything. So like they did she told them everything.

Apart from how much she really was missing them. She didn’t want to upset any of them talking about that. So that was the only thing she kept to herself. Like her relationship hold, it made sense to her and that’s all she cared about.

“You’re doing great hun.” The nurse smiled getting Andrea’s attention from her wondering mind.
“You have gone twice as far today! That’s awesome, well done!” Kassie gushed at her younger sister.

Andrea smiled at her new achievement. Even though it was a small thing she was proud of herself at the moment. So far all the pain was worth it.

“Thanks.” She said lightly stopping at the spot where the nurse told her to walk to.
“Do you want me to get the wheelchair or would you like to walk back to your room?” The nurse
asked softly.

Andrea gazed at her sister for moment thinking. She bit her lower lip.

“I think I’ll try walking back.” She said quietly.

The nurse nods her head and helped her turn around. Kassie gave her a ‘are you sure?’ look. Andrea smiled at her showing that she did want to. She wanted to try and there was no harm in trying right?

Andrea stook a slow small step forward and another; shuffling up the hallway slowly again. She kept her eyes on the ground and focused on what she was doing. But at the same time all she could think of is telling Alex how far she got today. She couldn’t wait to tell him or the others. She almost forgot the pain in her knees from thinking about it and she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.


Alex sat in the back of the tour bus wasting time playing against Jack on the PS3. So far it has been a draw, but Jack was determined to win. Alex wasn’t fussed if he did or not; he only cared that he was having fun and it got his mind off of other things; worrying about Andrea mostly.

Alex’s mind slips and Jack won the game.

“Yes! I win, you lost! Suck!” Jack cheered jumping to his feet and punching the air.

Alex was brought back to earth, blinked a couple of times and laughed at Jack. He shook his head still smiling.

“Congrats.” He smiled.

Jack turned and looked at him from jumping and raised an eyebrow looking confused.

“Congrats? What happened to your usual ‘You cheated?! That’s bullshit?!’ complaints?” Jack asked confused tilting his head to the side.

Alex just shrugged and Jack eyed him.

“Did you let me win?” He asked leaning towards Alex narrowing his eyes.
“No I didn’t.” Alex laughed. “You just won fairly for once.”

Jack moved back and sat next to Alex again. This time confused on something else.

“You weren’t focusing on the game much were you?” Jack asked almost softly.

Alex darted his eyes away from Jack, then back to him. Jack looked at his best friend worried.

“I tried too...” Alex trailed off. “I was doing ok then I got lost in thought.” He shrugged trying to make it like it was nothing.

But Jack knew him better than that. He wrapped his arm around Alex’s shoulders. In a way Alex just wanted to hug Jack, cry, scream and realise all of his kept up emotions; but he didn’t. He didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of Jack even though he knew Jack wouldn’t think that.

“You’re worried about Andrea aren’t you.” Jack said as a statement more than question.
“Yeah.” Alex sighed.

Alex was normally good at not worried too much when he went on tour but this time it was different; because he knew Andrea had her operations, in more pain and he wasn’t there for her. He knew he could go back home and ask someone to fill his spot for a few weeks, but Andrea talking him into not doing that. Like usual she was thinking of others and not herself first. But Alex promised her and he didn’t want to break a promise.

“It will be ok.” Jack smiled. “You might be able to see her in a week.” He added trying to make Alex feel better.

Alex nodded; it was only a small chance he could, long as no sudden singings or interviews were booked, he could for the weekend. He was keeping hope that he could.

“Why don’t you ring her now? See how she is doing.” Jack suggested.

Alex looked at him and smiled.

“Yeah I guess, it’s 6pm so I guess she wouldn’t be doing anything.”

Jack beamed and jumped up from the couch mumbling something about that he would get Alex’s phone and ran out of the back lounge of the bus. Alex just watched him disappear and looked at Zack who was standing by his bunk looking through a small book a fan had made and given him yesterday.

He heard everything Alex and Jack had said. On the bus there was pretty much for privacy at all for things like this, there was always someone bound to hear. But Zack stayed quiet and continued looking through the book like he heard nothing; it was between Alex and Jack at that moment and he didn’t want to interfere, he felt slightly bad from over hearing it without meaning too.

Alex ran his hand through his hair, sighed lightly and turned so his body was facing Zack more.

“What you looking at?” Alex asked.

At the moment he didn’t want to be quiet and left to his thoughts till Jack was back with his phone...When he found it. Zack looked at him and smiled.

“At the fan book some girl had made for us yesterday.” He said lightly.

Alex nodded his head, he had looked at it last night and when he was on the phone to Andrea telling her about it.

“I found it!” Jack yelled from out of nowhere.

He ran back to where Alex was almost hitting Zack in the small space. Zack laughed and picked up the book and moved to the front of the bus. Jack jumped and landed next to Alex on the couch; almost landing in Alex’s lap. He beamed at Alex and handed him his phone.

“Thanks.” Alex smiled.

Jack smiled again and nodded as if saying ‘You’re welcome” and got off the couch and headed to the front of the bus to leave Alex alone and to get food.

Alex stared down at the phone before flipping it open, pulled out number of the hospital out of his pocket and sat back in the chair as he dialled the number. He bit his lip as it started ringing.
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Hope you liked it :D

Is anyone actually reading this at all? I haven't got any comments on this yet :/