Status: Active...

I'm Just Going to Act Like I Know What This Is

Just A Phone Call Away.

The room phone scared Andrea making her jump when it went off; she was too busy starting boredly at the TV to even think it was the room phone at first. She took a deep breath and leant over without moving her legs and grabbed the phone placing it by her ear. She quickly turned the TV off at the same time.

Good evening, love.” Came Alex’s voice from the other end of the line.

Andrea beamed at the wall across the other side of the room. To her it felt so nice to hear his voice again.

“Hey, hun.” She smiled. “How are you today?” She asked kindly.
I’m doing ok, Jack bet me on the PS3.” Alex chuckled. “I think the idiot cheated.
He added to make Andrea laugh.

Which she did.

And how are you today?” Alex asked trying to hide any worry in his voice.
“Better, I can move a bit more now and they have put better bandagers on.” She stated.
“And guess what?!” She asked excited cutting Alex off.
Um...Dunno you tell me.” Alex chuckled.
“Nope you have to guess.” Andrea smirked thought she knew Alex couldn’t see it.

Alex went quiet thinking it over. Andrea held in her laugh and excitement to see if he could guess first. It was quiet for a long moment.

Jack somehow stole your ice cream...?” Alex asked confused and unsure.

That was the only thing he could come up with at the moment. Andrea laughed again.

“I’d hit him with my walking frame of he did that.” She stated almost seriously.

This time Alex was the one that laughed through the phone line.

“Actually I walked twice as far as yesterday, right down the hall 3 meters and back almost no problems with the nurse and Kassie.” Andrea said smiling at the far wall of the room again.
Seriously?” Alex asked shocked but at the same time really happy.
That is awesome babe! I’m so proud and happy of you.” Alex said excited. “Wish I was there to see it...” He added trailing off.
“Me too.” Andrea sighed but then she had an idea. “How about if Kassie comes and helps me tomorrow she could tape me for you?” She suggested.
Yeah, that would be good!” Alex said.

Andrea chuckled and suddenly can hear movement on Alex’s end of the line followed by some mumbling. To her it sounded like Jack and either Rian or Matt.

Hey I just have to tell the guys something ok?” Alex asked.
“Sure go ahead.” Andrea said softly.

She leaned back on her bed and moved the phone quickly to her other ear. She moved the blanket up over her more as she heard more movement from Alex’s side of the phone line.

Hey guys!” Alex called and Andrea could hear it on the phone no problem.

She stayed quiet and let Alex say to the guys what he wanted to say.

Guess what cool awesome thing happened today!” He exclaimed.

There was a bunch of replies from the guys, too many talked at once for Andrea to understand what any of them said; well apart from Jack who yelled out ‘What?!’ like an excited 8 year old. Andrea held in her laugh as she shook her head.

Today Andrea s-walked twice as far, the furthest she’s walked since the op!” Alex exclaimed.

There were a bunch of cheers and yelled words from all the guys. Andrea couldn’t make out what most of the guys said but it still made her laughed and blush. There was more rustling around on the phone.

Did you hear all that?” Alex asked her.
“Sure did.” She laughed. “I bet anyone a block away from the bus could hear that too.”

Alex laughed.

Well they have to let you know how happy they are for you.” Alex started.
Happy? More like ecstatic!” Rian said loud enough for Andrea to hear him.

It was followed by more talking and Jack yelling showing that they all agreed with Rian. Andrea started to feel even more emotional that what she already did and felt tears prick at her eyes.

“Tell them that I said thank you and I love them.” Andrea said softly.
Sure thing hun.” Alex said to her. “Andrea said thankyou and that she loves you all.
WE LOVE YOU TOO!” Was yelled back through the line.

Andrea laughed and wiped away one of the tears that fell. She wished so hard that the guys could be in the same room as her right now...But at the same time she was happy with just the phone call she was in. It’s better than nothing right?

She wiped another tear away and shook her head. She didn’t want to think about how much she missed them, that would just make her cry more and she really didn’t want Alex to hear it. That would upset him too.

Andrea?” Alex asked unsure because everything was quiet on her side of the line suddenly.
“I’m still here.” She said quickly.
Are you ok?

Andrea hesitated for just a moment. But unknown to her he noticed.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She said making her voice cheerful. “But, seriously, can the guys yell any louder?” She chuckled wiping her eyes again with the bed sheet.
I hope not, I’d be deaf!

Loud laugher came from the phone and Andrea smiled.

“Well then, I hope not too.” She said. “Bit hard to sing if you can’t hear the music.”
Very true.

Suddenly the room door creaked opened and the nurse that was looking after Andrea walked in pulling a small trolley with a bunch of medical equipment on it; including a blood pressure gage, thermometer, new bandages for her and a towel for her shower.

Andrea glanced at the clock above the door; it was time for her shower...

“I’m sorry hun; it’s time for your shower.” The nurse said sadly not wanting to disturb her from her phone call.

Andrea nods her head softly and gripped the phone tighter.

“Hey Alex, I’m sorry; I have to go now. It’s time for my shower.” She said softly.
Oh ok, love.” Alex said sadly. “I’ll call you tomorrow after the show ok?” He asked.
“Sure that would be great. Good luck and have fun at the show.”
Thanks, I love you.
“I love you too. Tell the guys I send hugs as well.”
I will, see you.
“See ya.” She sighed.

She reached over and placed the phone back on its hook. She sighed again. The nurse looked at her sadly and moved to the side of Andrea’s bed and pulled the blankets that covered her off slowly.

“Don’t worry; you’ll see you friends again before you know it.” The nurse smiled at Andrea.

She smiled back and nodded as the nurse helped her out of the bed and into the wheelchair. She hoped time few quick, she really did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Can someone comment on this and tell me if it's any good? D:
Because i have no idea, what anyone on here thinks :/
Though i do have something like 5 subscribers, thankyou!
comments make me smile and update too :]