Status: Active...

I'm Just Going to Act Like I Know What This Is

Fingers Crossed.

The sounds of the fans cheering loudly as the guys took the chance for one last wave as they walked away from the table they just had been signing at almost made Alex stop thinking in the back of his mind about home...


Never had a tour been as stressful and worrying for him. He guessed it was because this time Andrea wasn’t home; she was in hospital healing from having not one, but two knees operations and Alex just wanted to be there for her. Even though they “stopped dating” for the tour to make it easier on them both; it didn’t, well not much. It was just a mindset they were using to block out things from their minds. It worked...some of the time.

Their little mind act was slowly crumbing for Alex though.
He glared down at the ground as they walked towards the bus half dragging his feet on the ground and wanting to just crawl into bed and sleep. Jack glanced over at his best friend and frowned. He hated seeing Alex like this, they all did. The rest of the guys wanted to be back home for Andrea too, she was like family to them, but they couldn’t. Not since there were on a headlining tour. Jack placed his arm around Alex’s shoulder and pulls him close as they walked out of the music store for comfort.

For once Jack didn’t say anything though, he didn’t need to. Alex relaxed from his glare and almost smiled still looking at the ground. That’s one of the reasons why he loved his friends so much; they were always there when he needed them. Alex wrapped his arm back around Jack as if to say thank you. Jack just beamed looking ahead at the bus where Zack was opening the door.

“That was a fun signing.” Rian stated when Alex and Jack reached the bus. “A bit hectic in there through.”
“Yeah, I have a headache from the noise.” Zack sighed. “But like you said it was fun though.” He added stepping into the bus.

Rian followed him, then Jack and Alex who somehow made it up the stairs with their arms still around each other though they almost fell over which made the two of them burst out laughing stumbling up the last stair.

Zack laughed at the two of them and shook his head before heading to the fridge for something to drink. Rian flopped down onto the couch and Alex gently pulled away from Jack and sat on the couch next to Rian. Jack just stayed standing.

“When’s the bus call again?” Rian asked.

Zack looked at his watch while gulping his drink of water.

“Half an hour.” He said before going back to drinking the bottle in one go.
“Eh, might as well say here.” Jack mumbled.
“Where did my laptop go?” Rian asked suddenly.

Everyone shrugged having no idea. Rian sighed and got off the couch headed for the back of the bus in search for it. Alex looked down at his hands and started picking at his nails. He wanted to lay down and a sleep but at the same time he didn’t really want to, even if he had nothing better to do at the moment.

Zack dumped the bottle on the sink to be filled up again later and sat next to Alex. Jack placed himself on the table and looked around the bus wondering what to do for the next few hours other than sleeping himself.

“So how you doing Alex?” Zack asked softly.

Alex looked up at him and blinked. For a moment he didn’t know what to say; Zack and Jack both noticed this but said nothing about it.

“Ok I guess.” Alex shrugged. “Have my fingers crossed for this weekend though.”
“I have mine crossed for ya!” Jack beamed showing all the fingers on his hands crossed over.

Alex chuckled and Zack laughed. Jack kicked off his thongs (flip flops) and attempted to cross his toes over, it wasn’t working. Alex laughed at him.

“I get the point, Jack.” Alex stated amused. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” Jack smiled. “Can anyone actually cross their toes over?” He wondered out loud.
“Well if you can do it, you’d be the first person I know that can.” Zack chuckled.

Jack beamed still trying to cross his toes over. Alex shook his head still amused with Jack’s attempt at it. The things that boy does.

Zack turned his attention back to Alex.

“So if you can go this weekend, you’ll leave Friday night and meet up with us in the next city, right?” Zack asked unsure.
“Yep.” Alex nodded. “That’s my plan. We don’t have anything till next Tuesday so I’ll fly back Monday afternoon.”

This time Zack nodded and Jack beamed looking up at the two that sat on the couch.

“I’ve checked the flight times last night, it words out perfectly.” Jack said.

Both Alex and Zack looked at him, both of them kinda surprised.

“Seriously?” Alex asked.
“Yup! All you have to do is book them if this weekend is clear and you’re free to see your limpy woman.” Jack smirked.
“Thanks....But you know that she hates being called that.” Alex stated.
“Yes, but it’s not stopping me saying it.” Jack smirked.
“I’d watch it if I was you.” Zack added in warning. “She has crutches and a walking frame, they can easily be used as weapons, even the wheelchair.”

Alex burst out laughing and Jack looked shocked at Zack who too was laughing. Alex laughed more when he remembered what Andrea said would happen if Jack stole her icecream. Jack grumbled under his breath and looked back down at his feet, still attempting to cross his toes over.

Alex’s laugh faded and he looked down at his hands; where he had two of his fingers crossed over.


The bright colourful room glared back at Andrea as she sat in the wheelchair watching the physiotherapist explain and demonstrate some things Andrea would be doing soon. Andrea remembered the ones she had done before clearly and how much they hurt. When Jake was explaining them she had to try and not wince in front of him at the memories. Right there at that moment she wished someone was with her to at least hold her hand.

But she didn’t; not today.

Kassie had been at the hospital earlier during her lunch break from work, but wasn’t there for very long. She had left early to email the video of Andrea attempting to walk up the ward hallway to Alex; just like Andrea suggested a couple of days ago on the phone. Andrea still couldn’t believe Kassie had managed to tape her without anyone noticing in the building.

“So what would you like to start off with first?” Jake asked snapping her from any thoughts. “I would suggest the stair exercises first; but it’s completely up to you.” He smiled softly.

She bit down on her lips.

“The stairs sound like a good start.” She nodded.

Jake smiled at her again and moved so he was in front of her wheelchair with his hands out ready for her to take. Andrea reached out gently and took his hands and let him help her up so she was standing flat on her feet. Slight bit wobbly, but ok.

“Ok, I’m going to let go of your left hand and I’m going to link my arm with your right.” Jake said. “Don’t be afraid to lean on me at all if you need to.”

Andrea nods her head and Jake did exactly as he said he would do. Andrea held onto his arm tight and leant a bit of weight on him. Jake took a small step forward and Andrea copied. It took them a few minutes but Andrea got to the three steps that were against the wall. They were just any stairs in a house; only that there was three of them and they led right into a wall.

“Now slowly lift your leg and place your foot on the first step, just like you were to walk up them. You can hold onto the railing of you want and if you wish I can keep a hold of your arm as well.”
“I think it would be a good idea if you keep a hold of me.” Andrea said softly bitting her lip and placing her free hand on the railing.

The last thing she wanted right now was a fall. Jake tightened his grip on her arm more and she very slowly lifted her right leg up before placing in on the first step. Her knee protested in pain and she didn’t want to move again, but she knew she had to.

Andrea took a deep breath and tightened her hand over the railing to where her knuckles turned from normal, red to white. She lifted her left leg.

Her breath came out as a gasp in pain as she moved the next foot. Jake patted her hand softly.

“I know it hurts, but you’re doing great to have done that already.” He said honestly.

Andrea nods her head a couple of times and kept her eyes down. She had two more steps to go. A tear feel silently from her eye.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you all liked it.
Sorry for taking a while to update, everything at home is stressful and crazy at the moment >.<
Comment and tell me what you thought of it please? The only comments i have so far are the ones i put there trying to fix the comment page, which i hope i did :/
Thank you to the 7 people that have subscribed so far! :D