Status: Active...

I'm Just Going to Act Like I Know What This Is

You Always Took The Chance To Came Home.

Alex sat on the plane with one headphone in his ear and his eyes watching the horizon out the window. His mind was completely not on the plane; which was fine by him; it let him think as much as he wanted without sometime suddenly coming up to him saying he had to do something on the bus. It was helping him a lot in sorting his feelings and thoughts out. He felt better for it too.

Jack smiled from next to him tapping his foot to the beat with the other headphone in his ear. It wasn’t really surprising to the rest to the crew that Jack wanted to go too; even last minute. Sometimes Alex and Jack were joined at the hip and were together 24-7. But that wasn’t the only reason why Jack went; he went to be there for Alex like he always was and of course to see Andrea. It made him feel better knowing there was at least something he could do to help his best friend. Even if it was only small.

The guys sat just like that for a whole twenty minutes before Jack turned to tap Alex on the shoulder as one of the flight attendances was close to them, offering drinks. Alex jumped and wiped his head around somewhat startled, but sighed when he noticed it was just Jack; for a second he completely forgot Jack was there.

“Yeah?” Alex asked turning off the almost dead iPod.
“Good morning, would you like a drink? Tea, coffee, water...?” The lady asked cutting Jack off.
“Beer please!” Jack said.

The lady gave him a really odd look for asking for a beer at ten in the morning and Jack started laughing. Alex tried not too.

“I’m kidding; water please.” Jack smiled.

The lady sighed smiling and handed Jack a bottle of water.

“And what would you like?” She asked Alex.
“I’m fine thanks.”

The lady nodded and moved into the people that sat behind him. Jack ripped the top of the bottle open and drank as much as he could in one go.

“So Andrea knows what time we’re coming?” Jack asked.
“Nope.” Alex smirked. “She has no idea we’re even going to see her.”

Jack made a ‘o’ shape with his mouth before laughing.

“You naughty boy! You know she hates surprises.” Jack chuckled.
“She hates being called limpy too but you still do it.” Alex smirked at his comeback.
“Eh...True.” Jack mumbled.

Alex laughed as Jack opened his mouth and closed it again twice thinking of something to say back to that. After a minute he shook his head giving up. Alex chuckled and hit his shoulder playfully.

“Out smarted you that time.” Alex smirked.
“I’ll get you back.” Jack glared playfully. “Somehow.”

Alex stuck his tongue out at Jack, which he then did it back causing them both to laugh.


Alex pushed the door of his house open and walked inside. For a moment he was hoping to hear Andrea yell a greeting to them from some part of the house, but then his hope was washed away right as it came. She wasn’t home. She was in hospital. Alex sighed and trotted off into the house towards his bedroom.

Jack shut the front door, dumped his bag on the ground out of the way and walked into the kitchen. The first thing he did was look for food, any type of food. In the fridge he noticed a pack of Alex’s lollies that Andrea obviously placed in there before leaving and grabbed it. He started eating them while walking down the hallway to Alex and Andrea’s room. The door was open so he walked right in.

Alex looked up from his open bag and to Jack who was eating the lollies.

“You could have asked first.” Alex stated taking one from Jack.
“Can I have some? Thanks!” Jack smirked.

Alex rolled his eyes and took another one.

“I’m going to have a shower, and then we’ll go to the hospital. Sound good?” Alex asked walking over to his wardrobe.

“Sounds fine with me.” Jack smiled. “Me and the lollies will be watching TV.”
“I didn’t know lollies could watch TV.” Alex laughed.
“Well they do now!” Jack grinned running out of the room.

Alex laughed shaking his head and pulled out a new set of clean clothes before walking into the bathroom.

Amazingly enough Alex was showered, dressed and had his hair all done nice in twenty minutes. He smiled walking out the bathroom thinking of it as a new world record for him and almost ran to the living room. Once he walked in there the first thing he saw was Jack laying on his stomach, feet in the air and right in front of the TV...still eating lollies. He couldn’t help but laugh at Jack, which startled him. Jack snapped his head around to look at him.

“Ready?” Alex asked.

Jack scrambled to his feet turning the TV off while grabbing the lolly bag before joining Alex at the front door. Alex grabbed his car keys and walked out the house shutting the door after Jack. The two got in the car as fast as they could. Again it felt weird for Alex not to see or hear Andrea before leaving the house.

Alex drove the fast as the speed limit could allow him all the way to the hospital as Jack had the radio so loud anyone around the car could hear it clearly. But that didn’t bother them as Blink 182 came on – it was turned up even louder then. Jack almost head banged for the whole song causing Alex to start laughing.

Alex pulling into the hospital car park and parked at closest he could to the actual building, which wasn’t easy. There were cars everywhere; it amazed him that there was so many. But then again it was a hospital and hospitals were normally always busy.

Before Alex even had a chance to take his seat belt off, Jack was out the car and ran to the ticket machine shoving the coins into the slot. The ticket printed out and Jack walked back to Alex smiling handing him the parking ticket.

“No problem.” Jack smiled.

Alex placed the ticket on the dash board of the car before locking it and walking away. Jack walked besides him happily. Alex looked up at the hospital building and frowned. He hated this place, with a passion. He started at it till the point he had to look away to get inside of it. Out of reaction of hating the place, he walked close to Jack as they entered. Alex already knew where to go and where the room that she was in was, so he didn’t have to ask at the front desk. Which was a good thing; the bitchy grumpy lady was working today.

Suddenly he stopped walking when something caught his eyes.
After a few steps Jack noticed and turns to look at Alex.

“Alex?” Jack asked unsure.

Alex didn’t say anything and walked towards the small gift shop looking at the small collections of colourful roses. He bit his lip and tilted his head to the side looking at them.

“So you think Andrea would like some roses?” Alex asked still looking at them.
“I don’t see why not, she loves any kind of flowers almost.” Jack said shrugging.
“What colour?” Alex asked running his hand over some red ones.
“Beats me, you’re her boyfriend mate.” Jack chuckled his mouthful of food.

Alex turned looking at Jack seeing him still eating lollies, the packet sticking out of his hoodie pocket. Alex quickly shoved his hand in the bag and pulled out a handful before looking back at the flowers leaving Jack looking shocked. Alex snickered to himself and picked up the closest flowers to him; which happened to be a soft white-pink mix, before placing them on the counter.

“I can’t believe you brought those lollies all the way here Jack.” Alex laughed.

Jack smirked.

“Of course I did. I didn’t fly all the way here for nothing, ya know.” He joked.

Alex rolled his eyes and handed his money over to the middle aged lady sitting behind the counter. She smiled at him saying her thanks before the guys left. Alex walked close to Jack again as they headed deeper into the hospital holding the flowers tight; but not too tight to bruise them.

After walking down about 4 different hallways they finally came to the ward area she was in. Jack looked around confused as Alex kept walking looking at the room numbers. He came to a sudden stop all of a sudden causing Jack to slam into his back. Jack mumbled to himself as he got his balance back. Alex ignored him and walked to the room door peaking in the small glass there.

Alex’s eyes softened as he saw Andrea lying on the bed covered in a pale blue blanket. He couldn’t really tell because her head was pacing the other way, but it looked like she was asleep.

“What are you staring at? Go in.” Jack said poking Alex’s back.

Alex didn’t more and stared at Andrea more, he was trying to think what her reaction to seeing them would be. Jack sighed and moved his arm around him to open the door. He pushed Alex in gently and closed the door again just as quiet. Andrea didn’t even move.

Alex took a deep breath and moved around the bed to see her face. Her eyes were closed; face soft and her breathing calm. She was asleep for sure.

“Is she asleep?” Jack whispered.
“Yeah.” Alex whispered back.

Alex brushed the hair away from Andrea’s face softly and kissed her forehead. Now this is what he really called home. Home was being with her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go an update. :]
I was going to post it yesterday, but yesterday was a bad day for me, so here it is today.
I also was going to call his chapter 'JackAttack, lollyAttack' but I decided not to xD
So did you like this chapter?

Thankyou to the two people that commented on the last chapter! now i know i actually did fix the comments! :D wonder why it wouldn't work before though...