Status: We're still working on it.

I Hold On


What is that dreadful noise? I think to myself, grabbing my pillow and pushing it against my face. I crack open one of my eyes and realise it’s my alarm clock. I quickly turn it off and look at the time.
I kicked the blankets of me furiously, and ran to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and trying to look somewhat like a decent human, I ran swiftly back to my room. I squeaked and ran my hands over my face. What will I wear? I ripped opened my wardrobe door and pulled out a blue Hollister jacket, jeans and a white top. Decent enough.

Today, I was starting my first day working with a charity. It was a journalism club, which made films and write articles based around children’s lives. I’m not really sure where charity comes into it but it was the only one that gave me a job.
I glanced at my watch as I jogged to catch the bus. Fuck, I was supposed to be there twenty minutes ago.
“Hurry up, hurry up” I muttered as the bus started to drive again. My stomach started to rumble, why oh why did I set my alarm clock at the wrong time?


I looked at the list of businesses in the building. I nervously pushed the button, hoping it was the same one as last time. It was a dingy little building, in much need of repair. The door buzzes open and I hurriedly make my way up the long flights of stairs until I see a “Liners” sign.
With the looks of this building, it feels like I’m working at a brothel. I knock on the heavy wooden door slowly and within seconds a small kid around thirteen answered, I smiled and politely made my way into the room.

Tom, the main team leader and the one who interviewed me walked out of his office, “Late,” he states. “First and last warning, grab a chair” he told me. I look around and see all the kids, roughly fifteen of them or more sitting on sofas, chairs and stools. I take a stool and sit down. Tom starts the “opening circle” telling everyone to introduce themselves.
“As you can see, we have a new volunteer, do you want to introduce yourself?” He asks me, I nod my head.
“I’m Vander, I’m nineteen, nearing twenty, and I know my name is weird” I chuckle. Most of the kids just stare at me, but a few say ‘hello.’

What a day this is going to be.
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Another new story I am currently writing with my dear best friend. And a slash at that. I'll leave the rambling for later.

Comments make us writing a story together bearable! Kidding Laura...