Status: We're still working on it.

I Hold On


“Uh, Lyric? Can I have my jacket back?” I said as we were approaching Liners door. He looked up at me, his eyes still slightly blood shot.
He shrugs and takes off the Hollister jacket and pulls the handle on the door.

Once the kids all settle down and are sitting on sofas or the stools, I began to get nervous. I can’t make a dick out of myself, come on Vander.

“Today, Vander will be talking about Racism to you all and we’ll see how good he really is” Tom laughed, I tapped my fingers against my thigh, Racism, Racism, okay, I can talk about this. I nod and stand up, going over to the white board and lifting up a red marker.
“Raise your hand if anyone here has ever experienced any sort of racism?” I ask, no one puts their hand up, “you’re all lucky then. Racism should never be tolerated anywhere and you’ll never have a reason for it. I had a friend, who was mixed race and he and his sister had to move, why? Because they got beat-up, spat on and hit with sticks because of their race…” I draw a red stick person on the board with my maker and then pick up a blue marker and draw a blue stick person, “can anyone see what is the same here?” I scan my eyes around them.
“They’re both person aren’t they?” A tall boy said.
“Yes, is there anything not the same about these two people?” I indicate to the board.
“One is blue and the other is red” the same boy says again.
“Exactly, now should that stop those two people to socialize with each other? Should that stop those two people to love each other? Is there any reason why they shouldn’t be friends?” I draw a question mark under my two people.
“No” a few people say at the same time.
“So why do a lot of people in this world treat each other differently because of their skin colour?” I said.
“Maybe because they are ignorant or maybe they’re scared?” Lyric said.
“Yes Lyric, very good” I smile, and move on to the other kids and other points.

“So, should we tolerate Racism?”
“No!” the group of kids shout together.
“Is there a reason why two different people with different skin colours should not be friends?”
“No!” They chant again.
“So what are you going to do?”
“Say no to racism!” They shout again. My grin grows wider. “Thank you” and I sit down.


“You did a great job and we’re glad to have you Vander,” Tom pats me on the back, I smile and make my way out and doing the stairs, my stomach doing summersaults, I did a great job! I hum to myself happily, and open the door, “I did a great-” I stumble over something.
“I am so sorry!” I look up and see Lyric standing over me, “I was just sitting there, I didn’t mean to, sorry!” He exclaims.
“So why were you sitting there along anyway?” I said, helping myself off the ground.
“None of my friends are coming into town today, so I’m pretty much alone” Lyric stares at the ground.
“Oh…that sucks…” then I remember the kids shouting at him, “…you wanna come with me?” I smile weakly. His head snaps up.
“Yeah! Thank you Vander” he smiles and hugs me and I pat him on the back.
“Can we go to Botanic Gardens, please?” Lyric begs, I only nod my head, maybe this wasn’t a good idea…
♠ ♠ ♠
Murk, thank you Laura for posting this chapter.

New subs yey! Thank you. (:

We need comments to see what we're doing terribly wrong and right however! And just to clear up, this is set in Belfast.