Status: We're still working on it.

I Hold On


Come on Vander, get up. I repeated to myself, but this week has taken too much out of me. My limbs hurt and my back ached. It was Saturday yet again, and I had to go to work. It is somehow enjoyable, don’t get me wrong. I had been training all week, for a football match that my team had, it was yesterday and we lost. Two to zero.
Last Saturday wasn’t bad. I actually had an okay time with Lyric. He isn’t that bad. But he is awfully hyper. I flopped out of bed, got ready and began my journey to Liners.

I sat back, as Tom started the opening circle, asking everyone had their week had been. I signed myself in and gazed at Lyric. Something had changed. He seemed slightly hunched over and the usual smile had dropped from his face. I shake my head, wondering why I was even staring at him.
“So, we’ll be doing a marathon is a few weeks time, and when I say marathon, I mean a three mile jog. It’s the FunRun. We’ll sort into groups who will be walking, and who will be jogging. You’ll all be sending in your application forms today, so let us get started!” Tom smiled and started to hand out application forms. I groaned, I’ll be expected to do it. Fuck me.

We all waited at the starting line, waiting for the horn to be sounded. It was the begin of the Fun Run. The horn sounded, and everyone began to jog, I had to stay with the people in our group who wanted to walk, despite the fact that I’m fit enough to jog. Once we rounded the second corner, which was streets away from were we started, a lot of people began to walk. I had gotten to know the group very well now, so all nervousness had gone.
I saw Lyric, Bruce, Emma, Claire and Derrick start to slow down and walk. I stopped jogging and waited for the to catch up. We rounded a few more corners, some of the my group not slightly jogging again. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lyric bending over, grasping his chest.
“Lyric!” I shout, running over.
“I-I-can’t brea-” Lyric wheezed, unable to finish his sentence.
“I’ve got them! I’ve got his inhalers!” Emma yelled, pushing through the crowd of joggers. I took them off her and thrust them into Lyric’s outstretched hand. He frantically put the smaller one in his mouth and pushed the metal top.
“Go on Emma, you guys might be able to catch up with Debbie and the rest” I waved her away. I slowly patted Lyric on the back, as he had now started his second inhaler.
“Sh, you’re okay” I whispered, soothingly. Or I hoped so anyway.
I pulled Lyric to the side and sat with him until his breathing got better.
“Okay, come on. I’m going to carry you on my back” I said.
“You’re not giving me a piggy-back Vander!” Lyric protested.
“Yes I am! Not get on” I bent down and Lyric hopped onto my back reluctantly.

Forty-five minutes or so later, we finally arrived at the finished line, I collapsed onto the grass as did Lyric beside me. Tom and Debbie ran over to us.
“Are you two okay?” Debbie asked.
“Fine, yeah, we’re okay” I closed my eyes. It wouldn’t have been bad if I wasn’t carrying a person on my back, as it was only three miles with is hardly anything horribly long. Debbie and Tom nodded and went off the recruit the rest of the group. I glance over at Lyric, he had his eyes closed and his arms lay limp beside me, I slowly laced my fingers with his.
“You are okay, aren’t you?” I said softly. He nodded his head, in what seemed like slow motion. I scooted him closer to me. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I lifted his head onto my chest and ran my fingers through his hair. As much as I hate to admit it, I have become rather close to Lyric over the past weeks. He peered up at me and grasped my face and brought it to level with his and kissed me softly. I gasped and pulled back. His eyes flooded wit hurt.
“I’m sorry Lyric! It’s just…well, we can’t. I can’t. You’re fourteen, I’m nearing twenty, I could get fired and jailed. I like men, yes, as well as girls, but this Lyric, we really can’t,” I tried to grab hold on is hand, but he withdrew his hand, stood up and stomped away.
♠ ♠ ♠

Thoughts? Is Vander right?