Status: We're still working on it.

I Hold On


I stomped away from Vander. I can’t believe that actually just happened. He rejected me...because of my age? That’s not fair, it’s not as though it’s my fault I am only 14. 14 isn’t that young, I mean I have an older mental age...I think.

He can’t just do that.

I sat down on a bench, by a river. This is the river we ran by when running the fun run, I think. Either that or I’m lost. I look around me. No-one, this place is deserted. I sigh heavily and put my head in my hands.

Why did Vander have to say that, it’s not like I want a relationship with him, do I? I mean he is incredibly hot, and sweet and caring- okay, just stop. He obviously doesn’t want to be with me, because if he did then age wouldn’t matter- right?

I stand up and look around me again... Trees, no people, ground, river, tiny five foot long island in the middle of the river- wait, what?! I think I’m in the wrong place... Oh hell, I’m lost.

How did I get here? Did I come here through the ally way to my left or my right? Oh dear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shortness....

Comment... you know you want to.

Krell: She (Loulabel123) told me it was short. But holy god, not this short. She'll pay. Anyway, in reply to Danny Worsnop's comment. Yeah, it sorta is going pretty fast. And I've always hated that. I never realised just how fast it was going, I guess writing with someone else too, you don't realise.