
Chapter 6

The door opened all the way and a little girl was standing there, grinning. "Hello?" I questioned. She ran off and I followed. I stopped in the middle of a big room. It looked exactly like dads study but emptier and older. The floor boards were falling apart and so were the walls. 'What is wrong with this place!' I thought. All the sudden I heard a laugh, and then saw a shadow cross the doorway infront of me. I had the erge to follow it but I knew something was going to go wrong. I felt something grab my feet. I looked down and there were dark hands coming up from the wood. The hands were grasping my ankles, which made me fall down and scream. I tryed to hold on to something but the room was completely empty. I dug my nails into the old wood. My fingers were getting bloody, and I was slowly getting pulled into a hole. I screamed louder and louder until I had no voice left. 'This has to be a dream!!' The little girl showed up infront of me, still grinning. I tryed to say 'help me' but the words didn't come out. Everything turned silent. . . .
I looked around but my eyes kept on getting drawn to my bloody fingers. Soon, my fingers started to stop clwaing at the old board to keep me from going into the dark hole. I fell into it. The hands still grasped around my ankles, pulling me down further into the hole. I didn't know what to do. My body froze, I couldn't move. I could feel my body slowly heating. The warmth was turning to hot and soon to fire. A scream slipped out of my mouth.
I snapped back into reality and everything was gone. There was no more fire and no more heat. it was colder and I was back in the creepy study room . The room was still empty and old. The little girl walked by me and I asked, "Who are you?" She giggled and skipped out of the room with me following her. The only thing I could think was that this house was screwed up.
The girl ran threw a hallway with pictures of fallen angels, the devil, and god. She ran upstairs that was covered in red carpeting. "Who are you!" I yelled. Allthe sudden, she stopped. She turned around and the grin vanished. She started vanishing." I don't know, I'm dead. A trapped soul...." She trailed off. I looked at my surroundings at the top of the stairs. The halls were empty and there were several doors. I walked back down the steps and stopped. I looked around for a door. There was only one and it was to my right, I walked toward it and opened it. The sun hit my face and the breeze of the wind covered my body. I walked outside and the wind no longer blew, and the sun wasn't hitting my face anymore. I was back in the house. 'Holy shit! I sware I walked out.' I tryed walking out, but ended up, back in the house. "You can't leave until you brake the curse." Someone said behind me. I turned around and nothing was there. 'I'm going crazy.' "But in all my years, no one's ever maade it out alive."