Death Is Everywhere

Fly Trap

I was standing right infront of him so I could smell the licor in his breath. "Where were you?" "I was walking home from school." "Well, I went to get you but you weren't nowhere to be found!!" "Sorry. I'll make sure I get home quicker," I said looking away. He grabbed me good arm and threw me across the room. I felt my arm 'POP' and screamed in agony. My thumb and pinky on my other arm were somehow poped back in place which made me scream more. My vision started getting dizzy and I heard dad say," That should teach you to get home earlier!" He laughed and walked up stairs.
I got up and tryed to walk to the door but because I was dizzy and the room was swirling I bumped into everything in the way. I finaly got to the door, I opened it and walked out. I was walking like I was a drunk and my arm, and fingers were bleeding like crazy. I finaly fell from all the pain and dizziness. I heard someone running up to me. I was to dizzy to see who it was. I didn't even recognize the voice but I did know it was a guy voice. I felt his strong arms picking me up.
I woke up in a strange room on a strange bed. I sat up and saw a guy sleeping on, I'm guessing, his couch. I shrugged my shoulders thought, whatever. Then went back to bed.
I woke up in what I call a venus Fly Trap. I screamed and saw a tape on a nightstand. I grabbed it and hit play...
Hello, Matt. What you have on you will snap and squish your head in exacly 90 seocnds if you don't get it off. You will need two diffrent keys to get it off. You have two games that you will play to get those two important keys. Good luck.
I let out a scream and walked out of the room. there were two arrows. I went toward the one on my left.
It was a weird round room with two cages in it. they both had bears in them...Beside the cages were two more cages that had people in them. "Please, don't kill me!" A guy yelled. He looked familiar. "I'll be your best friend forever if you let me live!" A girl yelled from the other cage. I recognized her too. But I couldn't remember there names. In front of me were two handles. The one to the right said Die and the on the left said Live.
I passed it and alked closer to the bears. In there cages there was a key. I guess I had to let one of the bears go into the bigger cages where the people were to get the key. I walked back over to the handles and pulled the one to my right. it opened the cage to my left and the bear walked out of its cage toward the girl, The door to the cage closed and I grabbed the key. I put the key into the lock and unlocked a side to the Trap that was placed around my head.
I heard the girl screaming, then all the sudden it was silent. I looked over toward her and she was gone. I looked toward the guy and he was crying.
I walked out and toward the other arrow...