Status: I am in the middle of the second chapter, and haven't had time to write. But if you like it, I will make time to write as soon as I can. Leave me a comment, and let me know.

Now Or Never.

Sunsets Bring Out The Best In People


If they find me here, I haven’t the slightest idea if I’ll ever make it out alive. It isn’t fair how women are treated! Why couldn’t we all have been born men? Or at least I should have been born a man. The human race is a vile and treacherous thing, it needs to die out…regardless. Tis’ for the best. If only…if only I were a man.

“Ralf, have you caught her trail yet?” A man with dark brown hair said to his friend riding a divine-looking horse.

“Afraid not, My Lord. She seems to have disappeared into thin air, but alas, I know the girl too well to believe that. She tis’ hiding, she will come out soon enough. She must eat sometime.” Ralf replied.

“We should keep looking. This place is no place for a wealthy family’s daughter to be hiding. You dimwit! She must be hiding somewhere a bit more…pleasant.” He shouted angrily, waving his hand in front of his face, not trying to hide his disgust at the mere smell of all the horse manure around the area.

“She will do the least expected thing. We must wait here. At least for the nightfall. Tis’ the only way.” Ralf fought back, still looking fairly calm for the time being.

No. No. No! Leave! Please, leave. My Lord, I need an escape. A moment of brief hesitancy…anything. I need out of here. Soon. Leave!

“I shant take commands from you, if they lead my nose astray! Farewell, My Lord. Good luck catching the…err, spoiled brat.” And with that, he was off. Ralf hesitated, but followed nonetheless, looking forlornly at the place he was leaving behind. I was guessing he had history in the alley, but this was not the time to ask. This was the time to run.

Thank the Lord God Almighty! I am free…for now. Tonight, I escape the city.


The break of dawn is such a peaceful thing. From your head to your toe it can make you feel warm, comforted and completely safe despite what is happening around you. It envelops the darkness, and covers it with a blanket of beautiful sunshine. The break of dawn is to be compared to nothing of humanity. It is wonderful. It is perfect. It is my safe haven.

Milan is the best place in the world. It is such an amazing city. Small perhaps, but Italy is small and Milan is my home. It is the only home I could ever imagine seeing the break of dawn in. The only one I could ever consider living in. I am so glad to live here, words could not express my feelings, so my thoughts will have to suffice.

“Child, what are you doing awake so early?” I hear a voice behind me say. When I look up, I realize who it is. It is my teacher, Marlon Ricci. I smile up at him, with no excuse to display.

“It is simply too beautiful to slumber past five. But you of all people would know that, My Lord.” I reply, solemnly.

He chuckles at my words, and I then know that I am not the first to think this thought. “It is quite stunning, My Lady. I came out here to watch it myself…but I suppose I am a bit abashed that you are the early bird, and I am the late arriver. So the student has taught the teacher.” He says, winking at me. As if we share one private joke, when he knows we share a million.

“Teacher.” I say, thoughtful as ever. “Why is it that hardly anyone ever listens to me, except yourself? No one even seems to care anymore. It is as if…I do not exist. I feel…secluded, and I have not even left my home to be wedded yet.”

He can tell I am serious, but his look isn’t very helpful. He sighs, and leans backwards in the grass, contemplating a legit answer.

“Not everyone will understand you, Catalina. If anyone does, they are quite the extraordinaire. You are a bright young lady, and deserve as much attention as the king himself…but I am afraid our culture tends to frown on intelligent women. If only…well, let us worry on more important things, My Lady. You still have lessons to tend to.” He adjourns, while I am not quite finished with the topic.

“If only…what, teacher? I try my hardest. It tis not fair! I make better grades than any one of the boys you teach, and I listen well and patiently. Why would they frown on me? Have I committed such a crime as to be a hermit now?” I ask, curiously.

“Nothing you need to know, Catalina. You are indeed one of my smartest students, if not the smartest. People just aren’t as accepting of women, and you know that as well as I do. Never forget your worth, My Lady. You will far surpass me someday, and that day is soon. But let us hurry and get back, before anyone suspects where we might be.” He stated, and I knew then that the conversation was over.

Even I, most curious of all, knew my boundaries.

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Hopefully, I didn't make this overly melodramatic...I just love suspenseful builds :) Let me know what you think.