

It was like a breath of fresh air, seeing my carriage awaiting as I told it too, and I was all too aware I was late and how odd it must look being around in this place.
“Miss Luvvet.” The rider confirmed, his skin so black I hardly saw it in the night. Rain started to drizzle through the air.
“Oh come on, let’s not diddy daddle shall we? Get a move on.” I snapped, opening the door and stepping in. Angered by his questionable eyes.
“Your father wants to know where you were.” He told me as he whipped the horses to move on.
“Well it's none of your business what my father said, now move.” I snarled, then calmed myself to try and contain my humanity. I looked out the window as the carriage rattled across the uneven ground. The rain now pouring down in sheets and thundering like little glass balls against the windows. He pulled up outside the beautiful mansion and stepped out to open the door for me.
“Well do you have an umbrella?” I snapped in disbelief, making no effort to move from the carriage. Rain dribbled off the rim of his top hat.
“No miss-”
“Well what the ruddy hell are you doing hanging round in front of me man!” I cried, “go fetch me a maid with an umbrella!” outraged I slumped back and looked out the opposite window. I needed to control all this hatred and anger that had welled up in me since I was a baby.
“Yes ma'am,” he muttered and closed the door wearily. A couple of minutes later a girl, a little younger than myself, rushed out in blue maid uniform, holding a large umbrella. She nodded when she saw me and I gave her a bitter stare before stepping out and rushing to the house.
“Maria! Where have you been! I must insist you tell me where you go. Sit down girl. We have to have your outfit picked.”
“For what exactly father.” I sighed wearily, taking my white buttoned gloves off and laying them on the glossed table to look at him half bothered. He was used to my arrogant, uncaring attitude, told me it would turn me into a princess. Little did he know I was already much more.
“Your meeting your future husband. Lunch tomorrow.” he looked smugly at me, as if he had achieved something great. I felt my jaw tighten and my eyes slits.
“And what makes you think I want a husband father.” I snapped. His face fell.
“Sweet heart, I'm sure your love him -”
I wasn't giving any human my hand.
I went up to my huge room and sat down on my four poster bed, my hands in-between my legs in anxiety.
I had a feeling of dread wash over me. Me and her were going to meet again – and it was soon.
She was going to try and find that box. I at least had to delay her while I decided what to do. And I was good at getting in peoples way.
Very good. However I couldn't let it dominate me. And it was going to be hard. Tonight.
She should be working.
I dressed in my night dress early and let my bare cold feet slap against the cool of the slick floor boards as I tapped down the stairs.
“Night father. In for a n early night. I need beauty sleep if I'm to meet Thomas tomorrow.” I smiled wickedly and he looked at me in alarm and then approvingly.
“I'm glad you've come to your senses.”
“Can you call Anna up for me?” I addressed a girl mopping the stone floor in the corner. Her head flicked up and she glanced behind her dumbly to see if I was addressing her. I rolled my eyes.
“Just get her you stupid cow.” her cheeks flushed and I padded up stairs where I stripped off a naked and wrapped a black night gown round my body.
Anna arrived after a soft knock on my door, before entering and her eyes going wide.
Anna was the only maid I was actually nice to. She was assistant cook and one of the only white slaves.
“Anna. Don't ask questions. You’re a friend.” I smiled slickly. “Your task is to get me transport without any one know. Epically father. Your very liked in the slaves. Convince them. I'll be outside in ten minutes. Be subtle.” I gave her a small smile and turned to my window. The night was so dark it was black, and bitterly cold no doubt. Anna was like me in away. She knew where she stood and kept people in order, maybe not as harsh as I was.
“I'll speak to Bertha who can talk to Henry miss.”
“T’is all names to be Anna, just be quick... please.” I hated that word. Only use it ever for her.
Ten minutes later, the smallest carriage I'd ever seen was waiting. The rain had stopped and the air was damp, it's dew clung to my rigid skin. Climbing in I saw Anna watching from a distance. I gave her a nod and instructed the driver to take me to the paper mill, the closest to here. I'd picked up a lot of information from the market people. He carried me away into the darkness of the night until I was swallowed by the looming shadows thrown by the buildings.
I thanked the driver, told him I'd get back on my own as I was merely delivering a message to a friend.
Then I stuffed my night gown in a crack of the wall and stood naked in the street, after it had pulled away.
Walking into the busy, grinding paper mill I easily found her. As my mind instantly pulled towards her. She could sense something, her head flicked up and she scowled.
“Hello?”she called unsteadily.
But the ability not to be seen was fantastic and I wondered if she had discovered it yet.
My first plan was for her to get sacked. In all her three jobs. That way she'll find it hard to strive, no money, and she'll spend her whole time trying to keep herself alive, scavenging for food and shelter. Stealing. She won’t be able to claim another job as each sack will make the newspapers, the way I do it anyway. She'll be London gossip. She could die. But then It just get her off my hands.
I trod over baskets and boxes piled up on the floor, as she arranged the paper into certain piles, still glancing up through her thick eye lashes.
When she turned her back I took ten sheets of paper at once and shredded them. Her head flicked round quickly, so did her body making her arm send the papers flying, leaving a blankets that weren’t quite crystal white, everywhere. I was going to have fun with this.
She watched with wide horrified eyes as the paper shredded it's self to bits and she lunged forward trying to catch me, but I was too fast. Dodging her way every time, light footed and laughing cruelly at her. She now stood in a sea and mess of shredded paper, I went and whispered in her ear.
“If you tell someone I did this you would be locked up as a mad man would you not? For no one can see me and my father is quite aware I am currently in my silk bed sheets.” her brow furrowed.
“Why?” she trembled.
But I was already gone from her side, standing in the corner as her mistress came and gasped at the horror.
I have to admit there was no pleasure in watching the girl get beaten, however I felt it was necessary and it would all be over in due time.
Tears falling from her eyes, blossoming blue springing like petals behind her skin, she rushed from the factory cursing between broken sobs.
That was her first job gone. Lessening the money there for lessening the chance of shelter, food and clean water. But I didn't miss the determined dimple between her two eye brows as she tittered out. Determined to revile me I'm guessing.
And I saw it was going to take a lot more than me taking her jobs away – that's just the starting point.
Oh yes. Pain was going to follow.
And it was going to hurt.
♠ ♠ ♠
i pretty much fell in love with abbi's chapter... how could you not?
i also realized in the fist chapter i used the word choir instead of chore which is pretty embarrassing.
Well... hope u enjoyed? although i'm not completely impressed.
thanks for reading x