

I waited till I was away from the mill before I let the tears fall. Mistress Haver was sure to spread the news of my stupidity and then Mrs Ruthford would find out. I was sure to get in trouble. There was no one else there, it was my word against a ghosts but still I would not tell anyone about Marie Luvvet. I slid my hands up and down my back feeling for each individual welt that Mistress Haver had left. I winced as my fingertips grazed the raised ridges.
Suddenly I was full of indignation and anger. I turned round and marched back to the mill ignoring the ache in my back. I stormed up to Mistress Haver’s office and bang on the door.
She opened the door and her eyes narrowed to slits when she saw me. “What do you want?” She growled.
“I did not damage the machine.” I said firmly, I was not sure what had overcome me. “I only wish you remember this while remembering this event to others.” A strange feeling of power rushed over me. As if I could crush the angry woman infront of me with just a thought. My hands and feet tingled and slowly the feeling spread up and down my legs.
Mistress Haver’s face paled. “Yes, just go.” She hastily marked the sign of the cross and shut the door.
I walked away still not feeling myself. As I stumbled outside I felt an excruciating pain in my stomach. I collapsed on the steps letting out a cry of pain.
“Lyra?” Oscar appeared from nowhere, no that’s wrong; I remember now, he promised to fetch me.
The journey back was hazy; I think I slept for most of it. All I remember is trees and stars and strange glows. Oscar’s voice rushed past my ears each time he tried to speak, instead I heard the strangest singing.
By the time we returned to Ruthorford estate the pain had subsided. Oscar still insisted of accompanying me back to my room.
“Good night Lyra.” He said, he lifted my hand to his lips and kissed them.
“Good night Oscar.” I said blushing a deep shade of red.
He smiled broadly before turning and dashing back to the scullery.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am not so happy with this chapter but it's the best I could come up with.
Again Floydy face I loved your chapter.
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(We have one subscriber, that wasn't you was it aby? I mean I nearly subscibed before I remebered I was an author xD)
x x