

The next day past without incidence and that next; I was starting to believe that maybe she had given up. But then on the third day I was asked to take tea up to the family and their guests. And there, sat next to the youngest Rutherford, she was. I tried to hide my face, hoping that maybe this could just be an innocent coincidence. But then she smiled widely.
“Lyra, am I mistaken?” I straightened up and smiled politely.
“I’m not sure Miss. I am not certain what it is you believe.” I flattened my tray and help it against my piny as to disguise my shaking hands.
“I am certain I have seen you somewhere before Lyra.” She smiled; she was enjoying watching the beads of perspiration on my forehead grow.
“Perhaps Miss you have seen me around on errands?” I tried again to excuse myself.
“No, I’m sure that is not where I know you. Oh I know the mill on Hooper Way.” Marie made a show of clapping her hands together pleased with her own mind. If you weren’t looking for the truth you would think she was just another simple rich daughter to be sold to a dashing rich man. But the slight hint of red under her fingernails hinted otherwise.
“I’m not sure where you mean Miss.” I tried to act innocent.
“Yes, I’m sure, see I was down there to collect an order because my stupid maid could not get it right. And I’m sure I saw you working one of the machines. If I recall you broke the machine. That’s a lot of money you wasted Lyra.” Marie smiled kindly.
“I only work here Miss, you must have been mistaken, from what I have heard from friends who work in the mills it is awfully dark in there. Perhaps you saw another girl of my age there.” With that I excused myself. I was sure from the way she tapped her fingers against her cup, the rhythm she tapped was the exact beat to which my heart was dancing; she knew she had scared me.
In the kitchen I slumped onto one of the wooden chairs and shock silently.
“Lyra are you okay?” Oscar knelt in front of me. “Come, walk with me.” He offered his arm, just like a gentleman should.
We walked slowly round the green gardens of the house.
“One day Lyra, I shall own a house like this.” He told me, conviction shinning through each impossible word.
I giggled despite myself.
“Why are you laughing?” He asked, I just shook my head.
“And how are you going to get such a large manor Oscar, you’re a farm labourer,” I bent to smell a flower.
“Well you see Lyra, I shall one day set about to find my estranged father, who is a rich lord don’t you know. And when he sees my face, he shall be so overcome with love and emotion that he shall give me half his estate. And I shall live in a house with silk curtains from China , and ruby incrusted silver wear. And my wife shall be dressed in the finest clothes from all about the empire.”
I laughed. “And you must dine of a whole swan for each meal.”
He chuckled. “Cold cuts of swan for the vicar along with a whole gallon of tea, when he stops by for a visit of course,” Oscar carried on.
“And golden apples for lunch, mountains of them the height of Olympus,” I cried flinging my arms out to each side.
He laughed and took my hands. “I would need a beautiful smart wife to live in such splendour.” We where stood close, to close for any respectful man and women to be stood, and holding hands the way lovers do.
But protocol and etiquette didn’t matter because in that moment my entire mind resolute on fixing to my memory the sight of Oscar dipping his head and pressing his lips to mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am soo sorry I took so long
damn GCSE's, what do i need qualifications for anyway
As always Aby amazed me with her wondeful writting.
Sorry mines short, I think it's a bit sweetness but you may hate
if you do stick around for the next update, Aby will save the day xx